He's Your Bully/Friend And He Kisses You (Harry Niall Liam)

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Harry: The last bell rang and you were ready to get out of school and go home. As you were putting your books in your locker you realize that Harry Styles, the hottest boy in school, was hanging out with his friend. He was looking at you smiling. You figured he was laughing at you. Let’s just say you weren’t the most popular girl in school. You had glasses and didn’t have many friends. You close your locker and go over to him and his friends.

“Why don’t you get a life?” You yell at him.

“What?” He says confused looking at his friends.

“Do you really have nothing better to do than make fun of me? Just because I’m not popular or the prettiest girl doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings. Grow up, Harry Styles!” You yell loud enough it echos down the empty hallway. “Next time I see you. You better treat me right. I ha-” He cuts you off by smashing your lips together. You wanted to push him off but your body became weak and you didn’t want that kiss to end. Which it didn’t.

Niall: Everyday your bully, Niall, would try and trip you just to make you embarrassed and hurt you. One day during P.E. the teacher said that it was a free day and you could do whatever you wanted. Sadly, you had P.E. with Niall. You were scared that he might beat you up or something. You say at the biggest tree so that you were in the cool shade. Suddenly, you hear a stick crack. Then, Niall runs up to you and kisses you on the cheek. You were shocked!

“What was that? A bet or something?” you ask expecting him to say something mean to you.

“No.” He says pulling you into a full on snogging.

Liam: The whole school knew that you had a crush on, Liam Payne. He knew too but ignored it. He never spoke to you or even looked at you. One day you happened to see him smiling at you in class. When he realized you saw him, his face turned red and he turned away quickly. You started biting your lip and blushed. When suddenly…

“Now I am going to assign your partners for today’s project. (Y/N) and Liam.” The teacher said as you were nervous about having to work with him. He got up and went over to your seat to start working.

“Hey.” He said in an unpleasant tone. You thought he didn’t want to work with you and that maybe you imagined him smiling at you. You didn’t know what to say to him so you just smiled.

“I really don’t know what to do for this project.” He tells you while playing with his pencil.

“I do.” you said as you grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him in for a sweet, romantic kiss. You were shocked he didn’t pull you off of him. He put his hands on your waist. You were so happy until the teacher caught you and yelled at you two.

“Liam and (Y/N) go to the office now! You both know there is no PDA allowed!” The teacher sounded really mad. You two got up and walked out of the class. You were going to go to the office and accept your punishment but Liam stopped you. He grabbed your wrist and kissed you on the cheek.

“Totally worth it.” He whispered in your ear and smiled with his cheeks bright red.

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