He Leaves When You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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Harry- You impatiently tapped your foot against the cold tile of the gas station restroom. Lately, you were feeling sick. You thought it was nothing until you missed your period. You couldn’t be pregnant though. Harry and you were too young to be parents. You both loved each other but that wasn’t the point. The point was that you were still in the process of growing up, you couldn’t handle raising somebody else too. You phone timer beeped and you picked up the small stick. A light pink plus sign decided your future. You were pregnant. Harry had to know. He was going on tour and you didn’t want him finding out through the magazines. After you were cleaned up, you silently drove to your house. The drive was painfully slow. Every little noise made you jump. When the tires rolled up the drive way and you walked to the door, you knew this was going to be hard. Harry loved you, he would help with a baby. The door creaked as you gently opened it. “Babe, is that you?” Harry walked out smiling and wrapped his arms around you, pecking your forehead. “(y/n), are you okay? You don’t look well.” You inhaled deeply and looked at him. “I’m pregnant.” You said it bluntly, not holding back. He dropped his arms and backed away. “What do you mean…pregnant?” “Like we are having a baby.” He looked at you in shock and horror. “(y/n), I’m not ready for a baby. Do you know what this is going to do to my career? No, I will not be the father. I am not the father…I can’t raise a baby… You understand right?” Not expecting that response you slightly nodded. He mumbled a quick bye and walked past you out into the world, leaving you behind with a baby on the way.

Louis- Louis had been on tour for almost a two month now. You really missed him. One night, while catching up on the latest TV, Louis skyped you. You pulled your laptop up and opened it showing his bright smiling face. “Hey babe!” You grinned at his overly joyous face. “Hey hun…I really miss you.” His smile drooped slightly. “I know…I miss you too. I promise I’ll fly you out as soon as possible.” You nodded understandingly. “That sounds amazing, but I miss you ri-“ You were cut off mid-sentence by an undeniable urge in your stomach. You threw your laptop off of your legs and ran to the bathroom. The echoes of your heaving flew around the room. You could hear Louis worried voice asking if you were okay. You brushed your teeth and walked back into the room. “Louis, I must have caught something. I’m going to get some sleep. I love and miss you.” “I love and miss you too sweetie. Feel better.” He logged off and you closed your laptop lying down. Of all the places you had been to, you didn’t know where you could have caught a bu-…You then remembered, you hadn’t gotten your period this month either. It couldn’t be you were pregnant though. The last time Louis and you…did it was the night before he left. You jumped out of bed throwing on a jacket and shoes, and then drove to a nearby drugstore. The little bell on the door only made your nerves increase. You searched the aisles until you found a small box. Pregnancy Test. You picked up three just to be sure and went back home. It felt like hours before you were able to see the small pink plus signs on the stick. Your breath caught in your throat as you immediately tried to think up a good way to tell Louis. You decided it would be simpler to call. You pulled out your phone and dialed his number. “Hey bab-“ “Louis, I’m pregnant.” The other end went silent for a minute. “Did you cheat on me?” Was he actually asking that? “No, I didn’t cheat on you! This is as much your baby as it is mine!” “Don’t lie to me (y/n)! I left a two month ago!” You didn’t know what to say. Why was he being like this? “(y/n), please don’t call me anymore. This…whatever we had is over. I don’t stay with cheaters.” With that he hung up. You sat in shock at what had just happened, trying to think of how you would raise a child on your own.

Liam- You sat at home bored, waiting for Liam to come home from recording. You felt a sudden lurch in your stomach. Running to the bathroom, you threw up into the toilet. You lay next to the toilet, resting your head on the cool tile. You had been getting sick a lot lately. You thought for a moment. It couldn’t be…no, you couldn’t. Or could you be…You ran out and drove quickly to the gas station picking up multiple pregnancy tests. When you got back home, you ripped the boxes open. When you were done, and the five white sticks were sitting on the counter, you started you phone timer. It felt like eternity before you finally heard the little, beep beep beep. You grabbed the first test, positive. You went down the line seeing positive after positive. Deciding you needed to go for a walk to think this all through; you grabbed your coat and walked into the brisk afternoon air. You kicked gravel along the way. What if Liam didn’t want a baby. It would put a strain on the band. Maybe he would be overjoyed though, fat chance but there was still a chance. You proceed on your walk. Little droplets of water started plummeting down on you signaling you to go home. It was almost five and Liam should be home. You walked onto the patio and stopped when you saw a small white note attached to the door. You peeled it off and opened it.  Dear (y/n), I saw the pregnancy tests. I know this is a terrible way to say goodbye, but I just couldn’t face you. If it was later in my life I would have loved to have children with you, but I’m just not ready. Sorry. Love Liam. You dropped the little piece of paper, letting it flutter to the ground. The earth around you started to spin, to steady yourself, you grabbed onto a nearby chair. Not only had the love of your life just left you, but he left you with a kid to raise too.

Niall- It’s been a year since Niall and you had started dating. It was hard because nobody but you two and the band knew. You knew it was to keep you safe from all the death-threats and also not to jeopardize Niall’s career, but it got hard sometimes. It’s not like you never see each other. It’s just no one ever sees you together. Tonight was another night like any other. Niall was secretly coming into the backdoor of your apartment where you two had two hours to eat a dinner, then he would sneak out. You were preparing spaghetti for dinner. It looked really good, but the smell. You didn’t know what it was, but it made you want to vomit. In fact, you did. You ran to the toilet and threw up your entire appetite. You had been feeling sick lately and this just confirmed it. You thought it over. You might be pregnant. You had missed your period this month…what will Niall say? He would be coming over in almost an hour time giving you just enough time to run down to the drug-store and pick up a pregnancy test. You finished making the dinner every few seconds seeing if there was any indication you were pregnant. Finally you saw it, a small pink plus in the middle of the little circle. What were you supposed to do? Are you supposed to tell Niall, it is his k- Your thoughts were interrupted by two large arms wrapped around your middle. Warm soft lips touched your neck repeatedly. “Hey love. I missed you so much today.” You nod and continue to stir the sauce. The kisses abruptly stopped sending you into a flurry of panic. He dropped his arms and backed away, staring at the little stick resting on the counter. “(y/n), are you having a baby?” You lips started to quiver as you nodded. He inhaled deeply then grabbed his coat. “I can’t deal with a baby. Nobody even knows we’re together…I can’t…I just can’t. I’m sorry. I really wish I didn’t have to leave, but I do. I love you. Bye.” He left your apartment in a hurry, leaving you to your own thoughts. A baby. No dad. No support. No nothing.

Zayn- You haven’t seen Zayn in almost three months due to the fact that he was on tour. After making some arrangements, you were going to fly out and surprise him. You had some big news to tell him. You were pregnant. Now, you know you aren’t married, and he might not be ready for a child, but this little baby will be perfect. You already loved him or her with all your heart now you just had to convince Zayn of the same. The morning you flew out was early, almost 5am. You pulled yourself out of bed. Digging through your closet, you found a large sweater just big enough to hide your already forming baby bump. Sitting on the plan you were thinking of different ways to tell him. Tonight, you decided. While lying in bed, you would tell him about his child. Paul had one of the bodyguards meet you at the airport and escort you to the hotel. Paul met you at the hotel, giving you the key to Zayn’s room. You crept up the stairs and opened his door, walking in. He was sitting on the bed flipping through channels. When he heard your footsteps, he looked up. A grin instantly lighting up his face. He jumped out of bed, and ran to you wrapping his arms around you. “(y/n)! What are you doing here!?” You smiled at his excitement. That was the moment you decided you couldn’t wait any longer. “Zayn I’m having a baby!” Your smile fell when you saw all the blood drain from his face. “A baby? Like in your tummy?” He understood, he just hoped you were lying. “Do you not want to have a baby?” He shook his head no. “(y/n), I think it would be better if you left.” You looked at him dumbfounded. “Left. I just got here though.” Zayn resumed his position on the bed. “I don’t think we should be together. I’ll call Paul and have him get you a flight home as soon as possible. I’m sorry.” You tried to stop the tears from falling, but failed. You walked out of the hotel room not looking back at the man whose baby you were having. 

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