Chapter 62: (B)

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Warning - Long chapter ahead! Also - last chapter!

I got home, slamming the door behind me.

"Brooklyn?" I heard Dad shout from the living room.

I followed the sound of his voice and entered the living room, where he was doing keepie uppies with my brothers.
His eyes met mine. I raised my eyebrows. Mum has a strict 'no football in the house' policy.

"Her and Harper are upstairs. We're trying to keep it down." He winked at Romeo.

I smiled back, not really feeling it. Dad seemed to notice.

"Actually, boys, why don't you just play on the Xbox or something? I'm gonna have a word with your brother."

"Yeah okay." They chorused as Dad and I strolled out of the room into the kitchen.

"Sit down son." I sat opposite him at the dining table.

"Dad, about this article..."

"The press make stuff like this up all the time. You know that, right? I mean they say that your mum's pregnant every couple of weeks, or that our marriage is failing. But you know that's not true. But I can see this is really bothering you."

"It is." I nodded truthfully, looking down at the wooden table surface. It seemed oddly interesting.

"Are you okay, Brook? Is everything getting to you? Because we could take a holiday, some time out? Or we could move to the country house for a bit, get away from the fashion weeks and launches, I'm sure Mum wouldn't mind postponing her line-"

"Dad! I'm fine! Look it's true, the article." I sighed. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned to see Mum walking into the kitchen.

"She's just in the bath now, mud all over, I think she must have rolled in it - oh Brooklyn, you're back!" She too sat down facing me.

"As you're both here I might as well tell the truth." There's no point in lying any more. I just want everything out in the open. "I got drunk last week at Fashion Week. You know I didn't really want to go anyway and I was just a bit fed up. I talked to Lola and I think I was a bit too truthful."

They exchanged glances, and I could almost hear cogs in Mum's brain turning.

"But that means-" Dad began.

"Yes. It's true. Lola is the source close to the family and everything I said is true."

"Lola? Why would she do that?" Mum asked.

"I think we know the answer to that one, Vic." Dad grimaced, evidently thinking about the events that occurred the other night.

"Well," Mum sat back in her chair, biting her nails in thought, "I'm not sure whether to be angry at Lola or upset for you."

"Please Mum, it's nothing, and I don't really want to talk about it now."

"We have to find a solution." Dad said, and Mum nodded in agreement.

Ten minutes and a cup of coffee later, we had decided that I would be attending less launches and fashion weeks if I didn't want to go, and playing more football. Now the topic arising was Lola.

"I don't understand, she was so lovely." Mum pondered.

"Yes but after what she went through, losing her family twice in a week, I'm not really surprised in all honesty." Dad shrugged.

"Plus, you know what those journalist can be like, putting so much pressure on people, especially an impressionable young girl like Lola."

I nodded, taking it all in.

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