Chapter 13: (L)

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What a day. So I woke up this morning with all intentions to go and sit in the front row, watch the models, and then maybe just hang around with Mum or Aunt Sally all day. That went straight out the window when Victoria Beckham needed a last minute model and I stepped in. Then I get sassed by Brooklyn Beckham, go shopping in the busiest and best part of London, where I'm treated to some of the best fashion items I've ever owned (after buying the dress, shopping seemed to take an upturn and I'd returned to the Mayfair Hotel with seven full bags!). Then on the way to a party I never thought I'd be invited to, Brooklyn told me he couldn't take his eyes off me, I confessed I thought he was gorgeous, then his mum asked me to be a permanent model for her! Then I found Brooklyn alone, drunk and crying where he revealed how fame is getting to him.

Okay, it sounds even more dramatic when you put it like that. Basically it's London Fashion Week.

I headed back to my hotel room alone at five past eleven, carrying my shoes and walking slowly to avoid hurting my feet anymore.

After unlocking my door with the key card, which made a familiar happy sounding 'beep', I pushed all the shopping bags off my bed, which the maid had made this morning, and pulled on my pyjamas sleepily.

As I climbed sloppily into the white linen sheets, I was still thinking about what Brooklyn said - about being behind a camera than in front of one. I really feel bad for him. I had no idea how upset he was.

But there was a moment there, between us. I'm sure there was.

And with that thought in mind, I drifted off to sleep, my dreams filled with camera clicks and champagne glass clinks.


The next morning I woke up with a headache. Not surprising really, I'd never tried champagne before and I'd drunk one and a half glasses last night. Not a lot, I know, but for me, it is. I dressed as nicely as I could, pulling on a tight pastel blue skirt, with an baggy t shirt tucked in and a statement necklace, my outfit completed with turquoise converse. I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail, with loose strands hanging limply past my neck, but I didn't care.

Walking down to eat breakfast, I saw Aunt Sally waiting for me, looking fresh faced as usual in a pink shift dress.

"Ohhh dear." She looked at me sadly. "Headache from last night?"

I groaned and nodded my head miserably as she gave me a hug. She looked down at me, her hands pulling at my cheeks as though checking I was okay. "Hm." She said, seemingly making a decision. "Nothing a bacon sandwich won't sort. Come on, breakfast time."

We wandered through groups of people into the restaurant, where Aunt Sally ordered our breakfast, and soon enough, two of the largest bacon sandwiches I have ever seen were zooming towards us on a tray carried by a smartly dressed waiter.

"They sure don't do things by the half here." Aunt Sally smiled, licking her lips as the waiter put a sandwich in front of each of us.

She covered hers in ketchup and I opted for barbecue sauce. She was right. After a bacon sandwich, I felt so much better. I sat back in my chair when I'd finished, stuffed. Aunt Sally looked at her watch and sighed.

"Well, I suppose I can't put off work any longer." she said, leaving the cash on the table. "Want to join me?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure." I replied, getting up from my seat. On the way out, we passed a group of people, and it took me a second to realise who it was.

Victoria Beckham looked better than she had this time yesterday. She was smiling, laughing with her family. David, too, seemed glad to have his wife back, and no longer stressed out. Brooklyn seemed to draw level with my walking pace as we passed each other.

"Hey." he said, his voice neither happy, sad, nor angry. I would say he looked a bit worse for wear, but as he's Brooklyn Beckham, I don't think that's humanly possible. However, the marks from last night remained. Although I could see his hair had been combed, it had less life than his usual quiff. His eyes were no longer pink and wet, his eyelashes no longer stuck together, but they were tired looking, and a tiny bit puffy.

"I'll be backstage." Aunt Sally said so slowly she might have been mouthing, then grabbed her handbag and went.

"Hey." I responded, keeping my voice low. "You alright?"

"Better now." He said back, glancing over at his family being led to a table. "Thanks to you." he turned back to me.

"I was really sad to hear how you were feeling." I said, letting him know that I did care and I wasn't just 'in it for the fame'.

" I just-" he began, but then shook his head, biting his tongue. He started again. "Thank you. For talking to me last night. For- listening to me. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't of helped."

He glanced up again, where Victoria was looking around for him anxiously, craning her neck to see where he might have got to.
"Anyway," he said, "I have to go, but I'll see you at tonight's after party."
"It's a date." I said happily, then I realised what I'd said. "Well, it isn't a date. Not-Not really." I stammered hurriedly.
Brooklyn laughed, turning on the spot and wiping his mouth for some reason.
"Yes, Lola. It is a date. If you want it to be." he grinned.
"Yeah." I grinned back.
He turned and walked off, a swagger in his step.
"See you tonight." he winked cheekily, turning back to smile at me.
I giggled nervously, then walked out of the restaurant, still smiling, to meet Aunt Sally.

Heyyyy another update! I think I'm getting good at updating regularly now! I know this is quite short but good long chapters coming soon! Contest is still open until 1st October, go ahead and enter if you want to be a part of my new book, 'Runaway'!
If you're wondering why I haven't posted anything on 'Runaway' yet, it's because I'm going to post a few chapters when the contest is finished! So nothing on that front until October!
Thanks for reading 'Stop Me'!

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