Chapter 1

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I swear if Alyssa gives Jordan one more flirty laugh I'm gonna strangle her, and-

"Psst,Jasmine,"my momentary death plans for Alyssa are interrupted by the persistent calling of the kid in front of me. I guess I've been staring at Jordan and Alyssa longer than I thought, because I seem to scare the guy when I reply.

"What?!" I rudely answer back. Hey, don't bother a girl when she's momentarily deciding the best knife cut to initiate on the head cheerleader hitting on the guy you like.

"Sorry, what's up?" I adjust myself in my seat, and try to be nicer to the nervous kid looking up at me.

"Do you have an extra pencil?" He asks. I swear I don't understand how anyone could only have one pencil and manage to lose it right after first period, or not have even brought at least one at all. I debate whether to confront him about this pet peeve of mine, but decide against it for his sake. Plus, what if Jordan's watching? I don't want him to think I don't have any extra pencil if he ever asks me. Like that's ever gonna happen, Jasmine Thomas.

"Sure," I reply bending down to unzip my back pack and come back up with a somewhat sharpened pencil. I hand it to him and he notices a couple bite marks on the end of it. For a moment it seems he's about to complain, and ask for another. Although, I narrow my eyes as if challenging him to do so.

"Thanks," he says seeming to think better of it. Yah that's right you ungrateful little-

"Calm down." I tell myself this under a hushed breath in efforts of focusing back to what is going on in the front of the class. Lately it feels like I can't keep my eyes and thoughts off of Jordan. Apparently, neither can Alyssa. That's probably as much as we have in common.

I mean I don't have much against Alyssa except that she's annoying, and fake, and cocky, and too into my future boyfriend. Okay so maybe the girl and I aren't close, but can you blame me? She's your typical popular girl. She has no actual likeable qualities, yet everyone wants to be her best friend. And as much as I hate to admit it, even I wanted to be acknowledged by the queen of bitches at a point in my school career. Now, I just don't care.

It just amazes me how someone so nasty can be so high up in the high school hierarchy. I wouldn't say she's admired exactly, but she is someone who seems to capture everyone's interest. Obviously she has to be somewhat interesting if she even has managed to get Jordan's full attention. All she had to do was give him a disgustingly perfect smile, and he was all hers.

I, on the other hand, can't seem to get him to even look my way. Even when I'm up doing some sort of presentation in this class, his eyes are glued to the desk or out the window. He could at least pretend to pay attention. At least that way I'd feel like I had more of chance of being even just his friend. Maybe girls like me really don't exist in the eyes of boys like him.

You see, Jordan Brigerio is the second cutest guy known at Richmount High School. The first is Cameron Kelly, whose taken by Jade Mathews. Jade and Alyssa are the reigning popular girls, and of course, best friends. So I guess it would only make sense that they'd be dating the hotties of Richmount. But hey a girl can hope, right?

The reason they still aren't dating? Well besides Alyssa playing somewhat hard to get, Jordan was dating a sophomore from another school last year and the beginning of this year. Rumors went around that she had cheated on him, but I doubt that. I don't know why anyone would do that. I mean, I wouldn't.

But from how engaged in conversation he was with Alyssa, I know I have a slim chance of getting him to like me now. If it's already an issue to get him to see me, how am I supposed to get him to feel something for me. I'm not exaggerating by the way. The guy literally doesn't see me, and not just because I'm wearing my brother's camouflage cargo pants. Don't judge they're comfortable, and my jeans are currently in the dirty clothes basket at home.

To prove my point, the minute the bell rings, he zooms right past me to catch up with his friend Derek, Jade's younger brother. This rapid movement causes me to bump into the desk I was occupying. Which ends up moving, and stabbing the hip of the girl that sits next to me. Before she can glare at me, I grab my bag and leave in a hurry. However, before I can get to my next class, a pedicured hand pulls me to the side of the hall.

"Alright listen good, and listen fast. I know you like Jordan, and if you want him you're gonna help me get what I want," Jade drawls out with her blue eyes narrowed at me. I look back horrified, and curious as to why Jade is even speaking to me. Holy shit, this must not be good.

A/N Hey guys thanks so muchhh for reading

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