[44] Death Star

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Hey everyone! This is a long chapter, I hope you love it! Just know that I quickly typed it up and didn't edit it yet because I just want to put it up here for you all to read! I will edit it later on in the day though. Anyways! Enjoy!

[ Story Start ]

*Victoria's P.O.V.*

Today is the day.

It’s happening.

All of my senses were on overdrive. My heart was beating frantically in my chest and my skin was prickling.

It was almost strange, yet comforting to feel that the empty pit in the core of my being seemed to have awakened today as well. It was slowly, just slightly coming back and filling me with Hell’s burning life force. It made me feel giddy and excited. I suppose that even Hell had high hopes of my escape today.

It was hard to tell what time of the day it is. I only knew that it was sometime in the morning when a maid had very quickly came in to give me water and half a loaf of bread along with a few bites of cheese and jerky.

Asmodeus told me that he would come at midday. When the sun was at its highest point in the sky. He said to be ready. But I was ready as soon as I had been told of the plan.

I wanted out of here now!

I don’t know how long I sat around waiting. My mind didn’t linger on it long but I also noticed that Keegan didn’t come to visit me yet. He has been coming to see and talk to me every day since I have been here shortly after I received my breakfast and had enough time to eat it in peace.

My life was starting its change for the better as soon as I saw that now very familiar murky black shadow forming in front of me.

Before long I was instantly on my feet with Asmodeus standing in front of me. I threw my arms around his neck in a hug and almost started to cry as I whispered, “I just want out of here…”

His arms were around me as well, just soothing me as he stroked my back, “You will get that today.”

Pulling away I could just make out the serious look on his face as he asked me, “Are you ready to go?”

Taking a deep breath and letting it out shortly, I nodded once in the affirmative.

“Alright then. So you know where the death star is correct?” he asked firstly.

“Yes,” I replied quickly, “I have been here for 8 months and it has never been moved or touched. We can get it.”

He nodded once, the serious look never leaving his face.

“You must understand this though… Because of the intense amount of Gael that surrounds us, my powers are weakened enough as it is. So I will only be able to travel with you over short distances. I will get us out of this cell and into the hall, but we will have to get to the stone by foot. Then I will transport us as far away from this place as I can but a lot of traveling will have to be done on foot. Maybe we can steal a horse somewhere. Also, I am not able to take your collar off, but Lucifer should be. We just have to get you to him. Do you understand?” he quickly explained.

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