[58] Caught

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To say that I was a bit scared was the understatement of the century. We had been gone much longer than I had originally anticipated. The dark red sun was only a few hours away from setting now but I hadn't wanted to rush our goodbyes with Trinity. I held my emotions tightly in check but it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Letting her go. Not knowing if she would survive until the next time I might be able to see her again.

If I ever saw her again, that is.

Taking my chances, I flew us into the city, over the closed walls and all of the way to the Castle doors, much to Keegan's disapproval. He had said we shouldn't be seen flying in or else it would look too suspicious. I reminded him that we had disappeared for a very long time and that was suspicious enough.

I would handle it.


A few mindless demons stood around the doors but bowed instantly to me and growled and clawed at Keegan with their talons. I hissed at them to back down to which they whimpered and cowered away. Their dramatic response to me was a bit surprising but I didn't think about it too much. I led us all around the castles main areas, looking for Lucifer and the rest of the council but they were nowhere to be found and I was starting to panic.

So I took us back to the balcony with my stomach tightly clenched. If they were there, then it would be obvious that we had been gone and they would be wondering what happened to Keegan and myself.

My panic started to hurt now. My wings were still out behind me and I tensed them up to my back. All eyes were suddenly on us but I could only focus my attention to the figure standing directly before us.

Lucifer was leaning against the balcony, his huge arms crossed over his broad chest as he had been intently staring at the doors that Keegan and I now stood in. It was as if he was purposely waiting for us and I started to wonder if we had just walked into a trap, whether it was for just Keegan or myself or both of us.

I steeled my self and stood ramrod straight as I roughly grabbed the collar of Keegan shirt and pulled him forwards until we were standing in the middle of the spread out group of council members. Lucifer's red slit eyes stared at me, never wavering.

It was very silent now.

My father stood in a corner alone to my right, watching as the scene unfolded. Asmodeus sat on the balcony ledge, much like before, to my left and I could see some kind of hurt in his eyes as he looked between Keegan and myself. The two prophets sat at the table and whispered quietly to each other as they watched on and Muriel and Jarvaenla stood behind us, near the door, and there was something about the look on that damned bird-lady's face that made my skin crawl. It was like she knew something that no one else did and that made me even more cautious.

Not to mention that there were four Fallen soldiers standing around the perimeter as well...

I refused to be the first one to speak. As far as they know, I have don't nothing wrong...

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence once again, Victoria. Nice to see that some things just never change," Lucifer said this calmly, but I could feel his restrained anger, "May I ask where you and our prisoner had taken off to?"

Expecting a question such as this, I had already made up a story. With a nonchalant shrug I answered, "I took him to see the beauty that we graced the city with. I wanted to show him the destruction that befell the city that he could do nothing to stop it. I just wanted to hurt him a bit more," but as I said it, I feared it didn't come across as convincingly as I had hoped.

Angel's Weren't Meant To Be Slaves. Welcome To Hell, Master. *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now