[06] The Decision

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[Story Start]

Victoria's P.O.V.

After who knows how long, I felt my body finally floating back up to the surface of the darkness. Opening my eyes, the first thing that my mind registers is the fact that my head is throbbing, the rest of my body is cold and sore and my eyes felt as if tiny needles were prickling it.

Squeezing my eyes together tightly I tried to force the pain out of my head.

This is not exactly the way I like to wake up on any other normal occasion... But this isn't a normal occasion.

Sitting up and off the hard floor quickly in shock, which turned out to be a big mistake as the throbbing in my head turned to constant pounding. I looked around trying to see where I was, but it was pitch dark.

My hands weren't bound by anything so I started to feel the area around me, but my fingers fumbled across nothing. All I could figure out was that I had simply been lying on the floor in the same attire I always wear.

I was raking my brain trying to remember, searching for answers.

Everything I tried to think about was coming so slowly to me... Then it suddenly all came rushing back.

The Angel Hunters chasing after me.

Asmodeus' demons attacking two of the men.

The Hunter that stuck a dart into my arm.

My heart suddenly started to beat faster and my breathing became ragged and quick as the final realization hit me. I had been caught and taken in. On my birthday no less!

Pressing two fingers to my temples and taking deep breaths, I tried to calm myself down but it didn't work. With some difficulty I stood up shakily... and I'll admit it.

I was afraid.

How could I have been so stupid? So reckless? I should have been more careful!

There was a loud noise and suddenly a single bright light was shining down upon me, lighting me up from the sea of dark. I had to close my eyes tightly as the sudden change of light left my eyes burning. Once my vision adjusted, I looked up to see a glass window had been open above me and it was the suns light shining down through the hole.

I looked around to see that I was in a small empty all-white room with nothing in it. Behind me there was what look like the outline of a door but there was no handle.

This is when my realization sunk in. My heart was pounding and my head was spinning. This couldn't really be happening to me. It had to be a dream. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be a slave!

The sound of footsteps echoed softly in my small cell and I glared at what I was pretty sure was the door.

They were coming for me...

A series of locks clicked loudly as they were being opened and I scurried back so I was pressed up against the farthest wall. I crouched into a more defensive stance. I doubt that I would be able to fight them off in this unknown territory and get away successfully but if I had too... I'd try.

As the final click sounded, the door was pushed open, making a slight creaking noise, which betrayed how new and unused it was.

There were three people who seemed to have morphed their way into the room and were now standing before me.

An older man, probably in his forties stood in the center. He had slightly greying dark hair that was neatly slicked back; a face with dark and hard set features and had a bit of a gut. His grey overcoat looked newly washed and pressed and his black boots shone in the light.

Angel's Weren't Meant To Be Slaves. Welcome To Hell, Master. *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now