Interview with @WeAreOk

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Name: Claire

Book Title: I have a few but one of them is Saving the Bad Boy

Genre: I like to try and write in a few different genre's of books. Some of my stories are werewolf, others are romance, and even action. Most of my stories are under the humor genre also!


I assume you mean for my story, but I have 5 and all the summary’s are pretty long so feel free to go to my page and read them(:


I've completed 3 stories actually! One is a fan fiction that I wrote on my instagram account over a year ago and it was the first story I have ever completed.

What inspired you to write your story?

Just being on wattpad and seeing everyone write their own stuff. I was like hey! If they can do it so can I.

Who is your favorite character, if you had to choose?

My favorite character from a book is hands down Sam from Perks of Being a Wallflower. I love her personality and everything about her.

Does music influence your writing?

Absolutely. A lot of my stories are based on a song I've heard and I basically took what the lyrics are saying and made it into a story.

Tell us about your main character:

Well I have quite a few main characters but one of them is Miranda from my story, How He

Loves. I love her character basically because I wish I could be what she is. She's not afraid to speak her mind, and I love that.

Is your story based on a true story?

No, none of my stories are based on truth. That'd be cool if they were though lol

How long have you been writing?

I've actually been writing since I was really young. I used to just write whatever came to my head, bad grammar and all lol. I never finished them though. I used to print them out and read them to my younger cousins haha

What made you start writing?

Like I said, I've always written, since I was little. I've just always liked doing it and it's a fun pass time.

What is your favorite genre to read? Romance hands down. Honestly, if it doesn't have a bit of romance, I tend to have a hard time paying attention and actually reading it.

Anything else you want to say?

Just thank you to all the people that read my stories! It does mean a lot and I'm happy that people enjoy them(:

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