Interview with @KodiRoss

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Name: Kodi Ross by my real name is Kara Barbieri.

Book Title: Half-Breeds and Other Liabilities

Genre: On here, it'd be Fantasy/Paranormal/Teen Fiction but in real life it's be YA Urban Fantasy


Seventeen-year-old Mihael Wrath is the misfit offspring of a human mother and, one of the most powerful demons, Wrath. If he doesn’t mature into a full demon by his eighteenth birthday, he’ll be just another blood splatter on the sacrificial altar.

With his birthday looming on the horizon and not even a demonic roar stirring within him, Mihael discovers  his father’s plans to launch the Apocalypse and make the AntiChrist rise — with Mihael’s spilled blood being a key part of that plan.

Only with brains, guile, and the powerful aide of the sin, Lust, at his disposal, does Mihael escapes from his father’s infanticidal clutches. His sole hope lies in the human world — with his new allies — and the answers he’ll find there. He joins up with an unstable psychic and her half-angel friend, who he finds are also being hunted by his father.

They have only a few clues to guide them, but Mihael and his friends must find a way to fight back against his father’s horde of demons. Though hopelessly outmatched, they have a weapon he doesn’t. If they figure out how to use it correctly, they might just have a chance at stopping Armageddon.


Not yet! It's about halfway there. 12 chapters out of 30. I plan to have it finished before October is done.


My inspiration comes from really weird places. I got inspired to write HBaOL when I was really bored. Basically, I wrote the scene in chapter 2 when Mihael was punching the punching bag. Back then it was just a story about a half-demon who couldn't hit puberty. Nothing else. It went through a LOT of evolution to get to where it was today. I rewrote it a lot, changed the plot a lot, and basically it went through a whole metamorphosis. So this isn't the original Half-Breeds!

that he's going to be sacrificed, he realizes that maybe he's better off how he is. He goes through a bunch of character growth--from a Anti-Hero, to a Hero, to an Anti-Hero again. And he might just become a Villain before the series is over. He's confused and he needs to realize that he can't let people tell him what's right for him to be. He needs to be himself.

True Story:

Lol. No. I was never offered up as a sacrifice to the AntiChrist.

How Long have I been writing:

I have been writing since I was 11 years old and I think I have gotten considerably better at it.

What Made me Start?:

It's embarrassing to admit, but I was jealous of my sister. She started writing and so I wanted to start, because she did everything better than me.

Favorite Genre:

Definitely Fantasy and Urban Fantasy. However, I do like some Romance and Sci-Fi.

Anything else:

I hope you check out my book and I hope everyone has an awesome day!

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