Interview with @BGFanFics

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Name: Beth, but you can call me a range of things the new thing I've been named is BG :3

Book Title: S.E.V.E.N: Project Knight

Genre: It's a Fan fic but there's way more action :p


{An Avengers Fan Fic}


Six People

Five Letters

Four Saved

Three constants

Two Vowels

One Meaning


What is it?

Who is it?

Where is it?

Why is it?

When is it?

Watch Out For The Poison Touch.

Watch Out For The Arrows.

Stay Out Of The Shadows.

Or you'll be dead within seconds

Watch out world, because here comes Project Knight.


Nope, I'm a Prologue and 2 chapters in! :)

What inspired you to write your story?

The movie, of course. Plus I have a friend who is writing one so she helped me begin writing my fan fic. I also have a major crush on the actors who play them so I wrote a character pursuing me! (Oh wow, did I really just write that! O.o!)

Who is your favorite character, if you had to choose?

Obviously the one I made that's based off of me. :P Knight, mainly because of her pure cockiness and her ultimate sarcasm! :)

Does music influence your writing?

Yeah, it always has done really. It helps me a lot when I get writers block on my other account but it helps a lot as it helps me create an image of what music my trailer would have in it! So... Yup

What is your favorite genre to read?

On here, it's romance but in my own time when I'm not on the computer and have a book to read it is crime and fantasy (blame my parents! :P)

Anything else you want to say?

Hmm... I love you all and you are all amazing? Does that count! :P

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