Chapter Seventy-Two.

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Meghan's P.O.V.

I pulled on my shorts and top once I was dried off from being in the sea. It still hasn't sunk in what Harry said to me a while ago. I need to talk to her. Before I did that, I needed to call Zac before he chews my head off for hanging up on him. I took a walk along the beach, calling him. "You're lucky you called back, I was about to give the job to someone else." He scolded me.

"Sorry, Harry took my phone."

"I don't want excuses. Do you want the job or not?"

"Yeah!" I sat down in the sand and waited for Zac to tell me what it was.



"What?!" Liam asked. I ran up to the group absolutely buzzing.

"Zac has got me a job for a makeup advert that's going to be on TV!" Liam tackled me into a hug. I didn't hear what he said because I was trying to pull myself away. I need to talk to Aimee before it's too late.

Today's the last chance I'll get before she goes to rehab. I start filming for the advert tomorrow so I won't have time then. "I'll be back in a few minutes." I pulled away from Liam and I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I walked towards the car park and to Harry's Land Rover where Aimee was sitting, staring into space. I knocked on the window lightly and she jumped and looked scared to see me. "Open the door, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." She hesitated but finally unlocked the door. I climbed into the driver seat and we were silent for a few minutes before I finally broke it.

Aimee's P.O.V.

Was this another attempt to break my face in?

"I'm sorry I smashed your nose into pieces..." Meghan said.

"I'm sorry I hurt your jaw."

"Don't worry about that, it didn't do any major damage. Nothing a bit of makeup can't fix." She smiled at me. Is she for real? She wanted to kill me not so long ago. Her smile faded when she realised I wasn't really in the mood. "Anything you want to talk about?" I shook my head.

"So you and Harry then, are you-"

"Look, I'm sorry for hurting Josh. I don't know what came over me and I swear I won't do it again. I don't know what's going on with me and Harry and I don't really care. What I do know, is that I don't want to be here anymore. I need to get away from everything." Meghan seemed taken aback by that. We sat in silence for what felt like hours but were only minutes.

"Do you want do come down to the beach with us?" I shook my head.

"I'm fine here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Thanks anyway." Meghan nodded. She then pulled me into an awkward hug.

"You'll look after yourself, won't you?" I nodded, unsure of what she really meant.

"I best get back. Good luck with everything. I'll see you soon, ok?" I nodded again. What is she on about? I watched her leave and go back to everyone down at the beach. I let a tear roll down my cheek. Why can't I be like Meghan?

Meghan's P.O.V.

I walked back to the sand. Louis, Niall and Zayn were playing with Pip. Liam was watching Harry build a sandcastle and Perrie and Eleanor were sun bathing. I sat beside Liam on our towels. "Everything ok?" He asked. Harry looked up to see me nod.

"She isn't herself at all." I said quietly. Harry looked back down and patted the sat half heartedly. I needed to cheer him up, despite being annoyed at him. I got down on my needs beside him and started digging in the sand. "If you're going to make a sandcastle, you should do it right." I smiled at him and he even smiled back.

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