Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Aimee's P.O.V.

Meghan's been gone for just over a week. Liam talks to her everyday so he's good. Me on the other hand, not so good. Yesterday, mum and dad told me to go around to their house because they needed to talk to me.

A million and one things came into my head when mum told me to come over. At first I thought mum was going to tell me she was pregnant. Then I thought one of them had become terminally ill or something.

I sat in my car parked outside the house, debating what was going to happen when I walked in. Eventually I plucked up the strength I needed to get out of my car and go inside.

I wish Harry was here with me. I walked in to find mum and dad already seated at the kitchen table, facing each other. Mum smiled at me weakly. She didn't look like herself. She looked tired and stressed. I sat down beside her but turned to the side a little so I was facing both her and dad. "So..." I hinted.

"The thing is-" Dad started.

"Which one of you has it and how bad is it?" I didn't mean to blurt it out like that. Mum looked at me worriedly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you going to tell me one of you is seriously ill or...?"

"No! Nothing like that. We're both perfectly healthy. It's something completely different to that. Nothing medical." Mum confirmed. I gave a sigh of relief and sat back in my chair a bit. They were both silent for an awkwardly long time.

"Well... is anyone going to tell me or am I supposed to pick up on your brain waves?" Mum laughed a bit but then fell silent again.

"The thing is, you're dad and I are getting a divorce." A divorce. The one word I never thought I would ever hear from either of them. It took me a few minutes to process the whole thing. A question finally came to my lips.

"But... why?" I looked at both of them. I stopped on dad, since he was being rather quiet.

"We, uh, we've just had a lot of differences lately and with you living with Harry now, we couldn't find any other reason to keep the marriage together." He said.

"So if I hadn't have left, you wouldn't be going through with this?" Guilt started building up on me. Was this my fault?

"No! Don't be silly. Things haven't been right for months now. It's got nothing to do with you." Dad said, rubbing my arm.

I was now in Meghan's apartment. Since I have a key, she told me to come over and look after her plants. I've done a little more than that. I slept here last night. I couldn't bear to go home and have to tell Harry. He tried calling me all last night but I turned my phone off and locked myself in Meghan's flat. I pretty much sat in the dark all last night, in fear of Harry finding me here.

It's all my fault. I'm their only child and I moved away and now they don't see a point in being married. I have to fix things between them.

My stomach rumbled. I realised I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. Somehow I didn't feel like eating, even though I was hungry. I ignored the feeling and dragged myself out of Meghan's place and out to my car. I drove home, hoping that by some miracle, Harry wouldn't be there.

Harry's P.O.V.

"No Harry, for the fourth time, I don't know where Aimee is." Meghan groaned. It was 1am in Australia, but I didn't care. I rang Meghan to tell Aimee still wasn't home from yesterday. I needed a girl's help on this.

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