Chapter Twelve.

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Liam's P.O.V.

It's been just over a week since the interview. I can't face speaking to Meghan. All I said was that she wasn't my girlfriend, but I hate lying. It's not as though I'm lying to just the boys, I'm lying to them, Aimee, and the millions of fans all over the world.

I can't handle all the pressure. And Meghan, what if she heard the interview? What if I've hurt her by saying we aren't a couple? My head was all over the place. I've barely spoken to the boys all week - only talking when it's absolutely necessary. I haven't spoken to Meghan since I wished her good luck for her exam. She will have all her other exams done as well, and I didn't wish her luck for them, or ask how they went. She probably thinks I'm a horrible boyfriend. She's been so patient with me, letting me get back into her life after six months of being away from her, being my girlfriend and supporting me while I'm living my dream with the boys. I feel like I've let her down now. And the worst part? She's flying over to Italy with Aimee to visit us for a week. The timing couldn't be worse. It's the only time Meghan was free, since her modelling career is taking off. They'll be landing here in a matter of hours. I'm already a nervous wreck. I don't know what I'm going to do.

I keep playing the scene over in my head. Meghan and Aimee would get off the plane and me and Harry would be waiting for them when they come out those doors from getting their luggage. Aimee would rush over to Harry and I'll just stand there awkwardly not knowing whether to approach Meghan or not. She would probably go straight to Zayn and then I'd lose her to him, just like I did last year, although to be fair she didn't remember me at the time...

I was in my room, like I had been most of the week. There was nothing to do in the hotel anyway. We couldn't go out anywhere in fear of the fans chasing us, like they did to Niall and me a few days ago. That was really scary to be honest and I wouldn't want to experience it again. There was a knock on my hotel door. "Liam?"

"It's open." I exited off Meghan's Twitter page on my phone. I was so tempted to speak to her, but I just couldn't find the right words. I heard the door creak when it opened, then the soft click of it closing again. Harry's curly head poked around the corner.

"Are you ready to go? The girls will be landing shortly." He said.

"I'm not going..." Harry looked at me puzzled. He came into the room more and sat on the end of the bed.

"You have too. Meghan's expecting you to be there."

"No she won't. She won't want to see me. Take Zayn or someone instead." I sighed.

"Liam, don't be silly. Why don't you want to go?" I sighed again. There was no point in lying. I've already done that enough. I wasn't going to tell him I was seeing Meghan, I was just going to say we haven't spoken much. I took a deep breath and began to tell him what had happened.

Aimee's P.O.V.

"I've told you, he isn't replying to me or answering my calls. I don't even know what I've done to have him ignore me. I'm dreading seeing him." Meghan said.

"Well, I can speak to him when we see them if you want?" Meghan just looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

We had just got through security. Meghan had been fine right up until we hit security. It was too late to turn back now. She's keeping something from me, I can see it in her eyes. I don't want to be nosy but I want to know if she's ok.


I pulled my suitcase off the conveyor belt. Meghan already collected hers, so we were good go to. Through the next set of sliding doors, I'll get to see my Harry again. Yep that's right, my Harry. Meghan didn't seem too enthusiastic about that idea. "If Liam is ignoring you, like you say he is, maybe he won't even be out there waiting for us." I assured her. Meghan nodded a little. I hate to say this, but I'm kind of glad she isn't going out with Liam. She was better off with Ryan if I'm going to be honest. I have nothing against Liam, but they always seemed to be arguing over something.

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