Chapter Twenty-Five.

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Meghan's P.O.V.

Me and Liam met mum outside the café she told us to go to. It was a quiet one, with only a few customers, placed just outside of London. We were waiting outside for mum to arrive. I could sense Liam was nervous as he kept shifting awkwardly beside me. "Are you alright?" I asked, linking my arm through his.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... cold out here." I looked at him concerned.

"Don't lie to me Liam. I know when something's wrong." I said, looking up at him.

"Honestly, nothing's wrong. Stop worrying." He gave me a weak smile. I was about to reply when mum appeared in front of us. She gave me a hug which was kind of awkward since we never really did this kind of stuff. She pulled away and turned to Liam.

"It's nice to properly meet you Liam. I know we didn't get off on the right foot but we can easily start again now." She smiled at Liam which he returned with the same weak one he gave me minutes ago.

We walked into the café and were greeted by a waiter who showed us to a free table near the back of the café. He quickly told us the 'special of the day' before handing us menus and leaving to let us decide what to order.

As I was reading the menu, I could feel the tension between the three of us. I looked at Liam who was sitting opposite me. He didn't look comfortable. I gently poked him with my foot under the table. He didn't respond so I attempted to do it again, only harder.

"Ow!" Mum said.

"Shit, sorry!" I bit my lip.

"Language young lady!" She scolded me.

"I've tried getting her to stop, it's pointless trying." Liam laughed. I stuck my tongue out at Liam and we all had a laugh over it. That broke the tension at the table, just in time before the waiter came back to take our orders.


The table had fallen silent during our meal until Mum started asking me about everything. "So, what's happened since I last saw you, when you rudely kicked me out of your flat?" I felt myself go red as I remembered that scene.

"Sorry about that..." Mum nodded, accepting my apology.

So, spill the beans."

"Nothing's really happened." I looked at Liam who shrugged his shoulders.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Well... we looked after Tori... I spent Christmas with the boys, Liam and Harry took me and Aimee on a couples retreat thing, the boys went on a world tour and me and Aimee flew to visit them a few times - and now we're here." Meghan said. I looked at Meghan. She was very sneaky in leaving out the bad points including our break up.

"Want to add anything Liam? Maybe about the fact that you two broke up?" Sarah said. Meghan's face went into shock.

"How did you- when did yo-" Meghan asked.

"It was all over the newspapers Meghan. I do keep up to date with the news." Meghan looked down. I took her hand across the table and she looked back up. "What happened?" I knew I couldn't say it was because Meghan thought she liked Zayn.

"We... um... we just thought it wouldn't work with me travelling all over the world with the band and Meghan being stuck here in London." I said, biting my lip.

"I see. But you have obviously sorted everything out now?"

"Yeah, I came back home to visit Meghan for a week and we realised we still had feelings for each other." I grinned. I saw Meghan smile from the corner of my eye. We left the table and headed outside. Once we made it out the door, I noticed Meghan was still smiling. I went to kiss her. We were so close when Meghan's mum cleared her throat making us jump apart.

"So where's this holiday place?" Meghan said. Scratching her head awkwardly, trying to change the subject.

Aimee's P.O.V.

Harry, Louis, Zayn, Niall and I were on our way to the shopping centre. We all fancied some news clothes. We arrived at the shopping centre. The boys had literally just stepped out of the van when hundreds of girls came running from everywhere straight at them, screaming at the top of their lungs. Paul dragged them back into the van and slammed the door shut.

"Looks like we aren't going shopping today..." Niall groaned.

"What else could we do?" Zayn asked. We all thought of possible places where the boys wouldn't get mobbed.

"We could go to our apartment? We have a few tubs of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and a few movies that are waiting to be used?"


We had only just pulled up to mine and Harry's apartment when Louis got a phone call. They had to go to a meeting about their next album. "Guys that was management. We have a meeting in half an hour."

"What about Liam? He's not here?" Niall said.

"We'll just have to go without him. We'll fill him in later." Harry said. I climbed out of the van. Harry followed me out. "We shouldn't be too long. I promise when I get back I'll cook us a really nice meal." He went to kiss me goodbye when he got dragged back into the van by Louis and they drove off. I walked inside and went straight to the freezer, pulling out a tub of ice cream. Someone has to eat it so it might as well be me.

Meghan's P.O.V.

45 minutes later, we arrived outside a house which I assumed was the little holiday home. I got out of the car and stretched. We walked into the house. It was colder than I expected but I soon remembered it was the middle of February. Liam was smart and went to light the open fire in the living room. I took our bags up to one of the bedrooms while mum made us some hot chocolate in the small kitchen downstairs. I walked back down to find Liam and Mum laughing at something. They stopped when they noticed me. "What did I miss?"

"Oh um... nothing." Liam mumbled, looking down, slightly embarrassed.

"Don't be silly Liam. I was asking him when the wedding was going to be." Mum said, grinning. I raised an eyebrow at them both.

"How is that funny?"

"Liam thinks you'd be the bride from hell." I gasped and pretended to be hurt.

"That hurts Liam. Right here." I pointed to my heart and wiped away fake tears. This made the two of them laugh even more.

"She's always been such a drama queen. I can see nothing's changed." Mum laughed. I rolled my eyes and went to sit on the fireplace with my back to the roaring fire. Liam followed me over and sat beside me, wrapping his arms around me.

"You know I love you really?"

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