Chapter Fifty-Eight.

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Meghan's P.O.V.

I woke up just before 12pm. I didn't expect to sleep in this late, but there you have it. I yawned and turned on my phone. Four messages came through and a voicemail. I looked at the voicemail. It was from Liam. It was probably just to tell me he was on his way home, but I listened to it anyway.

"Hey babe, I'm really sorry but the boys and I had to catch a last minute flight to America. None of us knew until last night. I tried calling you earlier this morning, but your phone was turned off. I've text you as well just in case you don't get this. I'm so sorry, I wish I was at home with you right now but it's only for three weeks, so I'll see you soon. I'll probably still be on the flight when you get this so I'll call you later, ok? I love you."

My heart sank. I haven't seen Liam since this time yesterday and now I won't see him until the end of the month. I'm not going to lie; I was ready to breakdown and cry. What if he's somewhere else in the world when the baby's born? What if he misses most of his/her childhood? A million 'what if' questions were running around in my head. I tried to ignore them as I read the messages.

Li<3: I have no idea when you'll read this, but I'll either be on my way or already in America. I'm really sorry but it was short notice :/ I'll have to tell you my big idea when we get home (or if I can see about flying you out soon :D) anyway, we're about to board, love you loads xxx

Zayn!: Megs! Thank you for being there for me the past few days. Sorry I didn't get to say a proper goodbye, but maybe we could Skype you and Aimee at some point? Love you! xx

Aimz: MEGHAN JESSICA PAYNE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! The boys are boarding their flight in about half an hour and you aren't here! -_-

Zac: Hey Meghan! I know it's your day off, but would you mind swinging by the studio for about an hour? We need your help!

I sighed and threw my phone on the bed. I changed my mind and picked it up again and went on Twitter. I scrolled through my timeline and mentions.

"@directioner_updates: the boys have left for America! Aimee and Eleanor went to the airport with them, Perrie is still in the hospital but we don't know where Meghan is! #lostgirlfriend"

I couldn't help but laugh. I decided to tweet them.

"@purple_meghan: @directioner_updates don't worry, I'm not lost! I was sleeping when the boys found out they had to leave! Absolutely gutted I didn't get to say goodbye! :("

After replying, I had a quick shower and changed. I threw my phone in my bag and went downstairs. I quickly fed Pip and lifted two cereal bars for myself. I was starving. I jumped in my mini and headed off to modelling HQ.


"So you want me to be the stylist?"

"Only until you're fit and ready to model again." I was quite offended. They didn't want me modelling anymore because I'm pregnant and will soon be getting big. Right now it just looks and feels like I'm bloated, put people will start putting the pieces together and figure it out. Zac and the people who work here are the only ones who know I'm pregnant. None of the other models know, but like I said, they'll soon figure it out.

"We need a hand on the shoot today. Would you mind styling Ryan for us?"

"Whoa, Ryan?" Zac nodded. Ryan. My lovely ex boyfriend Ryan. Great. "Since when does he work here? I thought he only filled in a few times, I didn't know he was permanent?"

"We've only just hired him. Since you two know each other, you can pick out his first outfit for his first shoot with us." I didn't want to argue right now. I just sighed and walked over to the changing rooms. Waiting for me, was none other than Ryan himself.

"Meghan! Long time no see, eh?

He had a hint of evil in his voice. I busied myself behind a rack of clothes so that he didn't catch a glimpse of my stomach. He was always a very observant character.

"Cut the crap Ryan. I'm here to work and so are you." As I was unzipping one of the jackets to pull it off the hanger, I noticed I was wearing my engagement ring. I quickly pulled it off and stuffed it in my jeans pocket. My life is become one big secret. I lifted a pair of jeans and a shirt for Ryan and almost threw them at him. "Hurry up and change." I sat down and checked my phone. No messages. Ryan came out from behind the curtain. I stood up and went to tidy him up a bit. He must have took it the wrong way and moved in closer to me.

"I knew you missed my after all." He smirked and went to put his arms around me.

"Don't you fucking touch me." I tried to push him off but he was stronger. He pulled my in towards him, but soon jerked back.

"What the fuck was that?" He said looking down at my 'bloated' stomach.

"What was what?" I said, trying to stall him.

"Y-you're pregnant?" I mentally slapped myself. Cue Ryan becoming an arsehole. "Wait till everyone hears about this!" Ryan went to walk out when I grabbed the back of his shirt.

"You can't tell anybody about this." I growled.

"You can't stop me." He had a threatening tone in his voice. I wanted to slap him so bad, but I knew that would make him want to tell everyone even more.

"Don't you fucking dare tell anybody or I swear I'll personally hunt you down and make you wish you weren't born." I glared at him. He did nothing but smirk. He pulled my hand off him and walked out. I walked out after him, shitting myself for what he was going to do.

Aimee's P.O.V.

After a long morning of meetings, I finally got home. I collapsed in the sofa and flicked on the TV and watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I went on Twitter to do my daily scroll through my timeline. Everyone was talking about Meghan. Oh shit. I read closely at some of the tweets;

"Is Meghan pregnant?" "How is she hiding it?" "How long has she been hiding it?" "Does Liam know?" "Daddy Direction is going to be an actual daddy!"

I quickly pulled out my phone and called Meghan. "Sup?" She said.

"You're all over Twitter!" I shouted.

"Yeah I know. I told them I wasn't lost though so it's ok." I raised an eyebrow then realised she couldn't see me.

"No... it's a little more important than being lost..." I bit my lip.

"What, have I died or something?"

"Not exactly..." I scrolled through even more tweets about her with my free hand.

"Well are you going to tell me or do I have to keep guessing?"

"They've found out you're pregnant..." Meghan started cursing down the phone and muttered something about Ryan. "Ryan?" I asked.

"He found out today. And being the asshole that he is, went and told everyone. Liam's going to kill me." My phone started beeping in my ear.

"I have to go, someone's calling me. Good luck with this problem." We bid our goodbyes and I clicked onto the other line. It was Peter. "Hello?"

"Aimee! I've got amazing news for you!

I started getting excited." Please be a tour; Please be a tour; Please be a tour! "You're going on tour!" I literally screamed down the phone.

"It's not your own tour yet, you're going to be a support act." I didn't care what I was doing, I was going on TOUR!

"Who is it with?!"

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