Chapter Seventy.

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Aimee's P.O.V.

I sat in my room all night, not daring to go to sleep. I was buzzing, but not in a good way. I had hurt Josh. I hurt Meghan. Meghan hurt me. I ruined Louis and Eleanor's night. I was scared in case Meghan appeared at my house to finish me off. My nose is probably broken, but I don't want to go to the hospital. I deserved it. I knew Meghan had it coming for me if I stepped out of line. At least I stopped her by punching her back. It wasn't half as forceful as her punch though. I'm surprised my nose didn't smash straight through and come out the back of my head.

Harry. Where do I start with Harry? I know for a fact he hates himself for spoiling his best mate's night. I can't believe I let him make me have an affair. It never really was like an affair though. A few kisses here and there, one time in bed... ok maybe it was an affair. Nothing was compared to what happened last night.

"Come on babe, everyone's either drunk or in the process of becoming drunk. They won't notice." Harry whispered. I myself was drunk so couldn't make a sensible decision so just let him take control. He took my hand and we walked quickly around the walls of the room, trying to stay in the dark areas to be hidden. We made it to the toilets. If I hadn't have drank those vodka and cokes I would've thought this was really tacky. But the alcohol was leading my actions and I wasn't going to say no. Harry pulled me into the baby changing room. He locked the door and didn't hesitate to smash his lips on mine. He bit my lip slightly and I let him in. As we did our thing, his hands found the zip to my dress. He quickly slid it down and before he got any further, the door swung open. I thought he locked it?

After a lot of shouting, my nose was smashed into my face. I punched Meghan right back before Harry took me into the men's toilets. He got a handful of paper towels and soaked them in cold water before pressing them on my nose. I yelped in pain but I could feel it starting to soothe. "Pinch the bridge of your nose, it'll stop it bleeding." He said quietly. I did as I was told. Harry lifted me up and sat my on the counter where the sinks were.

"I never wanted to hurt anyone Harry." I sounded rather nasally but that was to be expected since I'm holding my nose in place.

"I know babe. At least the hiding and sneaking around is over and we can be together again." Do I want to get with him after all this?

I still remember Harry's words.

"We can be together again."

I thought I had wanted him, but now I'm not sure. I shifted myself off my bedroom floor. I probably look like I'm mental but I sat all night, curled up into a ball on the floor, rocking back and forwards occasionally. I got up on my knees and peeked out my curtains. The sun was almost up. I'd sat up through the whole night. I wonder what Josh is doing right now...

Meghan's P.O.V.

"Come on, just go, it'll take your mind off things." I was at Josh's apartment. It wasn't until the early hours of the morning when we found him. I brought him back here and everyone else went home. He's curled up in bed and I'm trying to convince him to get up to go to the skating competition.

"You go on your own; I don't want to face everyone."

"I can't go; I'm not in it remember? You're going to have to face them at some point."

"Then go and skate instead of me."

"Are you kidding? I'd be the only girl there and I'm crap! I only trained for like one day and all I learned was how to land and I probably still can't do it properly!"

"Please Meghan? They'll be expecting me there and I don't exactly want to tell them I can't compete because I got my heart broken." Hearing him say that broke my heart. He really cared about Aimee but she threw it in his face. I wish I'd done more than punch her last night. I sighed.

"Ok fine. Come and watch me at least? Tell them you're ill or hurt your leg or something?" It took a good 10 minutes for Josh finally agreed to come. He got ready then came with me to my house so that I could get ready. When I was done, I went to say goodbye to Liam but he insisted he was coming too. The three of us piled into my mini and we set off for the skate park where the competition was being held.


We arrived at the 1D house. Liam was over the moon - I was still stunned. He lifted me up bridal style and burst through the living room where everyone but Aimee and Harry were. Gee, I wonder what they're doing. "GUESS WHO JUST WON HER FIRST SKATING COMPEITION?!" I jumped down from Liam as the rest of the boys; Perrie and Eleanor cheered and squashed me in a massive group hug.

"Alright, it wasn't technically me who won, it was Josh. I only stepped in for him." I smiled.

"How is he?"

"He went back to his flat. He doesn't take break ups very well. That's why he's been single for so long - he didn't want to get hurt. I feel so guilty. I practically forced him into asking Aimee out. That was probably the worst mistake I ever made. Poor Josh, he thought he and Aimee were something serious." There was a series of noises behind me and I turned round to see Aimee running back out of the door she must have just came through only minutes before. Oh well.

Harry's P.O.V.

Last night was such a mess. I'm on my way to the 1D house to try and put everyone straight. I had my head down and my hands in my pockets and was walking up the driveway when I bumped into someone. They sounded like they were crying. I looked up to find Aimee. "Babe, what's happened?" She looked up at me with her busted nose. Even under the bruises and bandages, she still looked beautiful. I rested my hand on her shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Meghan hates me Harry. I just know she wants to finish me off. They were talking about Josh in there and it just shattered me. I had only just walked in and I had to leave again. I couldn't take it." She sobbed into my shoulder. I pulled away and rubbed her arms.

"Go home and get some sleep. I know you didn't sleep last night, I didn't either." She nodded, wiping her tears away. I kissed her forehead before she got into her car. I stood and watched her drive off before continuing up the drive way to the house. I walked in and walked straight into the living room. The whole room fell silent. I looked around and everyone seemed to busy themselves silently, trying to avoid eye contact with me. "Look, I know what I did was wrong bu-"

"Don't bother with sorry's Harry. No one wants to hear. It's not even us you should be apologizing to." Meghan snapped.

"Josh should've known Aimee still loved me before he asked her out. He must be pretty blind if he didn't see how much sh-" I didn't get me sentence finished before Meghan went to launch herself at me. If it wasn't for Liam grabbing her, I would've had a nose to match Aimee's.

"Let me go Liam! He needs to know where he stands!" She yelled.

"Calm down Meghan. He didn't mean it." Meghan was struggling against Liam's tight grip.

"He didn't seem to mean getting caught in the act either! In a dirty bathroom too! What would your precious fans think about that eh, Harry? I'm sure they would love to know what you get up to when there are no paps around."

"On that note, I think we'll leave." Liam went to stand up with Meghan still firmly in his grip.

"One punch Liam, that's all I want."

"Bye guys, see you later." There was a mutter of goodbyes before Liam dragged Meghan out.

"That's too bad, I missed her punch Aimee last night, I would've killed to see her hit you." Perrie joked. Well, I hope it was a joke. Everyone laughed a little. They didn't seem to mind that Meghan wants to kill me or Aimee. They were on her side. I knew where I wasn't wanted. I left without saying another word. I made my way home and found a text from Meghan.

Megs: You're dead to me Styles.


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