Chapter Thirteen.

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Aimee's P.O.V.

Meghan has been keeping a secret from me and the guys. She has told Zayn and made him swear not to tell anyone. She started to act really nervous and jumpy.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Harry? Have you spoke to Liam yet? You said you would speak to him. He didn't say anything did he? Wh-"" She was cut off by Zayn putting his hand over her mouth.

"Breathe." He said quietly but playfully. Meghan obeyed and let out a sigh. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Actually, Harry sent me in here to ask you if you wanted to go out for some lunch, all of us together." I said, still trying to figure her out.

"That depends..." Meghan said.

"On...?" I crossed my arms and leaned on the wall.

"Have you spoken to Liam?"

"I might have done..." She stood up and walked closer to me.


"Go and talk to him. Meet us out in the hallway in half an hour to go for lunch. Be there or be square." I patted Meghan's shoulder reassuringly before walking out. I walked back into our room to hear Harry on the phone to someone out on the balcony.

"That's great, thanks so much. I'll speak with you soon." He hung up and walked back into the room, startled to find me there. "Oh, hey babe. Are they coming?"

I nodded. "Who were you talking to?"

"Oh, no one." I glared at him.

"Don't lie to me. Meghan and Zayn are keeping something from me; I don't want you to as well." Harry sighed and took both of my hands in his.

"That was an estate agent." I raised an eyebrow at him. "I've bought an apartment in London. It's not far from the 1D house. It's going to be far too big and lonely just for me though." I had completely missed what he was hinting at.

"Then why did you buy it?"

"Because I want you to move into it with me." I was caught off guard by his offer.

"Are you serious?" I asked. My mind was buzzing. Harry nodded so enthusiastically that his curls fell out of place. He didn't bother to fix them, but kept holding both my hands. "You and me?" He nodded again, getting even more excited.

What do I say?!

Meghan's P.O.V.

I knocked on Liam's hotel room door before walking in. I found him looking in his suitcase. I assumed he was getting ready to go out for lunch. "Hey..." He looked up at me, his eyes puffy and red - probably like my own.

"Hi..." He said softly. I'd missed his voice so much.

"We need to sort this out. I can't deal with it anymore." I said bluntly. Liam nodded. He flipped the lid of his suitcase over and sat on the bed, patting the space beside him. I sat next to him and stared at my hands. I picked at my nail polish until Liam's hand took one of my hands away, holding it.

"I can explain everything." I squeezed his hand, letting him know I was listening. "The day you had your exam, we had an interview the next day but it was the middle of the night for you. The girl interviewing us asked Harry if he was single. He obviously said no. So she went around the whole group, conveniently leaving me until last." I nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"Because we said we'd keep it quiet, I said that I wasn't seeing someone, but I wasn't exactly single either. Then she showed the picture of us kissing at the airport, when Aimee pushed you into me. She asked if you were my girlfriend and I said no. As soon as I said that I felt so guilty. I wanted to shout down the microphone that you were my girlfriend and you have been for a while. But I just couldn't. I felt like I had let you down. I couldn't bring myself to speak to you, in fear of you being mad at me for denying we were together. I've blown the whole thing way out of proportion, I know, but I just want things to be right but they never are with us. There's always some stupid obstacle in the way." Liam was right. Things are never right with us.

"I know. Why can't we have a simple relationship like Aimee and Harry?"

"I don't know babe. I honestly don't know." I slowly pulled my hand away from Liam's and pushed my hair out of my face a little.

"Do you - do you think... we aren't meant to be?" Liam looked at me straight in the eye.

"That's the last thing I think about. You're the perfect girl for me. I can't see myself with anyone else but you Meghan. All our little tiffs bring us closer together. Every time we fight or argue, I find myself falling for you even more." Liam said, seriously but his lips turned up a little towards the end.

"But Aimee and Har-"

"Never mind Aimee and Harry. That's their relationship, not ours. The way I think of it, they never argue so they're more likely to have a massive one somewhere along the line. Ours are never major and we always come out ok." I looked at Liam with tears in my eyes. Happy tears.

"I- I... I don't know what to say." I said, biting my lip.

"I say we go and get some food, as a couple." Liam smiled at me. It was one of his contagious smiles because I couldn't help smile myself.

"You mean you want to go public?" I asked.

"No, I just don't want to hide it anymore. We don't have to tell the world, we can let the world find out themselves."

"You spend too much time with Zayn. You're getting very deep." I was still smiling, unaware of my dimples showing - until Liam poked them.

"Come on, I'm hungry." Liam grinned. He stood up and held out his hand for me. I gladly took it and he locked our fingers together.

Aimee's P.O.V.

Everyone was here apart from Meghan and Liam. "I reckon they've murdered each other. We'll go and get food then come back and ring the police." Niall said.

"I love how you think about your stomach before you're friends." Zayn laughed. Niall shrugged and went to walk off.

"What the- when did this happen?!" Louis exclaimed. I whirled around to find Meghan and Liam walking towards us hand in hand.

"Excuse me!" I said, completely shocked. "When the hell were you planning on telling us about this?!" I motioned to their hands. Meghan looked down and them, and smiled widely with a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"About that..." Meghan started.


"I still don't know how you both managed to hide it from us all this time." Niall said.

"I know, Meghan is crap at keeping secrets!" I laughed. I earned myself a slap from Meghan.

I've kept plenty of secrets!" She defended.

"Like what?"

"Well I can't tell you because they're secrets... duh?" Meghan smirked as everyone laughed.

"I say we celebrate." Harry said.

"Celebrate what exactly?" Zayn asked.

"The newly discovered couple, and my future roommate!" Everyone looked at Harry confused. He sighed. "Boys, remember I told you I was going to get an apartment so Aimee could move in with me...?" It was like four light bulbs had all been switched on in their heads. There was chorus of 'ooooohhhhh!' throughout group as we finished our meals at the restaurant.

"Congratulations! To all of you!" Niall said, raising his glass. We toasted and said our thanks.


I had kicked Harry out of the room for a while so Meghan and I could get ready together. "Ready?" She nodded, touching up her makeup. I lifted my bag and the room key. We walked out to find the boys lurking in the hallway.

Louis had called their driver who was waiting outside for us. Harry took my hand and Liam took Meghan's. They walked in front of us but I could still hear Liam telling Meghan she looked beautiful. Awwh. Harry must've heard because he whispered to me, "Don't worry babe, you look beautiful too."

"You're looking very handsome yourself, Harold." He smiled at me and pecked my lips before we piled into the van.

Time to party!

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