Chapter Twenty-Six.

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Aimee's P.O.V.

Last night was so cute. I had fallen asleep when Harry came home from their meeting. They were longer than I expected. It was after 8pm when Harry came home. He didn't wake me up until he had cooked our dinner. He'd made us both a roast dinner.

I had just woken up. It was 11am. Harry was still in bed. I had a shower and was sitting in the living room. Harry walked in, holding a banana then came and sat beside me. "Morning." He smiled at me before taking a bite of his banana.

"Morning. What's the plan for today?"

"Louis is taking us somewhere apparently." I nodded.


Louis wouldn't tell us where he was bringing us all. To pass time during the car journey, I decided to text Meghan.

Aimz: Hey! How's life with your mum?

Megs!: It's pretty good. Her and Liam are getting on well now. How's life with four guys?

Aimz: I'm not sure... Louis taking us somewhere claiming we'll have a laugh at it so I'm slightly worried :s

Megs!: Haha, have fun. x

We pulled up outside Hamley's toy shop. "A toy shop? Really Louis?" Harry groaned.

"It's not just any toy shop! It's the biggest one in London!" We all hesitantly climbed out of the car.

Why has he brought us to a toy store?

Meghan's P.O.V.

Liam was upstairs in the bathroom having a shower. I was in the kitchen, talking to mum. "Did you sleep well?" She asked. I nodded, taking a sip of my tea. "Good. Now, you and Liam then."

"What about us?" I groaned.I took a quick glance at the stairs to make sure Liam wasn't around.

"Well, how are you coping with a famous boyfriend?" She asked. I sat down at the table. I started playing with my hands, trying to find the right words to express how I felt.

"I don't really see him as famous. I see him for just a normal guy who I'm head over heels for. I've already lost him before and I don't want that to happen again anytime soon. He means the world to me, mum.

I could feel happy tears filling my eyes. Mum came over and hugged me and we both laughed over my soppiness.

Liam's P.O.V.

I was at the top of the stairs when I heard Meghan and her mum in the kitchen. "Well, how are you coping with a famous boyfriend?" Sarah asked.

"I don't really see him as famous. I see him for just a normal guy who I'm head over heels for. I've already lost him before and I don't want that to happen again anytime soon. He means the world to me, mum." I smiled to myself. I felt the exact same way about her. If only there was a way I could show her that.


Aimee had told Meghan they were at Hamleys in London. That put me in the mood to go to a toy shop too. "We're too old to go to a toy shop, Liam." Meghan whined.

"Nonsense, you're never too old." We said bye to her mum and I took her hand dragging her out the door. We got into her mini, with me driving.

We drove into a little town near the house we were staying in. It was so small, it only had one street of shops. We stopped and got out to walk down the little street. I took Meghan's hand again and locked our fingers together. The town was almost empty. There was the odd person walking about - but no fans. It was just nice and peaceful. "I don't think there's a toy shop here, Liam."

"I think you're wrong." I smirked and pointed to one of the last shops on the street. It wasn't too big but it wasn't too small. I pushed the door open to hear a little bell chiming. I held it open for Meghan who smiled while walking in.

Aimee's P.O.V.

Louis was so excited. He ran up and down the aisle like a little kid on Christmas. He stopped by one of the shelves and waved his hand for us to follow. Harry already had my hand in his and he swung them slightly as we walked down to join Louis. He pointed to the toy that was hanging on a rack. "Nerf guns? We already have them." Niall said, confused.

"But they aren't here, are they?" Louis retorted.


"Then we're just going to have to use these ones." Louis picked one up and pulled it off the cardboard packaging. "I've always wanted to do this!" He pulled the trigger and shot one of the foam bullets down the aisle.

"Louis, you're going to get us kicked out!" I scolded.

"We're One Direction, we don't get kicked out." I rolled my eyes as I watched Niall and Zayn copy Louis in ripping a gun off its packaging. They started shooting at each other and Harry soon joined them.

"Come on babe, it's fun!" Harry called over to me.

"No, I'm ok her-" Harry shot me in the forehead with one of the bullets. "That's it, you're going down Styles!" I grabbed a gun and tore off the cardboard. I aimed at Harry and shot him multiples times. He smirked at me and ran off down the aisle to find the others. I went the opposite way to see if I could find them too. I walked around to find Zayn and Louis. I took a picture and posted it on Twitter.

"@Aimee_J: Who knew we could have so much fun in a toy store! @Louis_Tomlinson is such a big kid!"

A few minutes later I got a reply from Meghan;

"@purple_meghan: @Aimee_J you're not the only one! @Real_Liam_Payne is in heaven right now!" She had attached a picture of Liam holding up a Scooby Doo toy, looking very excited and happy. I laughed at the picture. I felt something hit my back. I turned around to see Niall running away.

He's going down.

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