Chapter Seventy-One.

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Meghan's P.O.V.

We're all going to the beach today. It's the boys' last day off before there back into the studio to work on their album. I'm not sure if Harry was invited, but I know I wasn't told to ask Aimee. We're all still really pissed off with them for what they did. Harry keeps saying that we should get over it because 'what's done is done' and we can't change it.

I let my hair stay down and curly but I knew I probably would want to tie it up later in the day. I threw two beach towels into my bag (one for me, one for Liam) and I lifted sun cream - it's very warm today - and threw it in too. I walked downstairs to find Liam clipping Pip on a lead. Yep, we're bringing the dog. Liam threw me a set of car keys. "These aren't my keys, Liam?"

"Yeah they are."

"No, it doesn't have my key ring on it..."

"Well go out and see what car it belongs to then." I sighed and opened the front door. My mouth fell open. Sitting in the drive way was a shiny silver Audi TT. On top of it was a massive purple ribbon tied into a bow. I was speechless. I turned around to find Liam right behind me. "Do you like it?"

"I- I love it! Thank you so much!" I pulled Liam into a tight hug. I pulled away slightly and kissed him. "You shouldn't have got me this Liam." I got into the driver's seat and got a feel for the car.

"I did. I didn't technically get you an anniversary present since you said no to me..." I looked down in embarrassment. Liam lifted my head up. "Don't worry about that."

"I love you." I grinned.

"I love you too." He kissed me again and we loaded up the car with our beach stuff and Pip. I made sure to put a blanket down on the back seat so he didn't rip the leather seats with his claws.


Harry's P.O.V.

I called round to Aimee's, absolutely fuming. She answered the door to me looking rather pale. "Are you ok? ... You first ... No you ... stop that!" We both said in unison. We both laughed a little and she invited me in. We went to her room so her mum wouldn't over hear us.

"So, what's wrong? You look ill." I asked.

"I can't sleep or eat Harry. I feel so bad about what we did. I can't cope." She hasn't been eating. Great.

"Come on, I'll cook you something."

"Wait, what's wrong with you?"

"The group have gone to the beach today. None of them mentioned it to me. I found out from Twitter, one of those 'Update accounts'. Stalking account if you ask me." Aimee's face went from exhaustion to annoyed, like my own.

"Well... what do you want to do about it?" She asked.

"I might go down there and give them a piece of my mind." She nodded. We went downstairs and I made her a quick sandwich. I stayed until she ate it all then left for the beach.

Aimee's P.O.V.

Harry left and I've never been more thankful to see the back of him. I ran up to the bathroom and made myself sick to get rid of the food. I'm not eating for a reason. I was stupid to tell Harry I hadn't been eating. I wouldn't have to shove my fingers down my throat if I didn't tell him. Duuh Aimee. I then lifted my razor and threw it forcefully on the ground to break it apart. I lifted the blade and didn't hesitate to slash it across my skin. This is the first time I've done this. Meghan was right when she says it releases pain. I kept cutting. Just a few more and I'll be dead.

Harry's P.O.V.

I had only gotten out of Aimee's estate when I had to turn back. I left my phone at hers. I made a U-turn and headed back to hers. I knocked the door but no one answered I walked on in and looked for Aimee. I jogged up the stairs, two at a time. She wasn't in her room so I assumed she was in the bathroom. I found the door pushed over, but leaving enough room so I could peak through. What I saw wasn't pretty. I pushed the door open when Aimee was about to drag a blade across the main veins in her wrists. "AIMEE! STOP!" She jumped and dropped the blade. She was covered in blood. Her wrist was oozing blood and I assumed she's wiped it on her clothes to add more cuts. I ran over and hugged her, not caring about getting myself covered in blood. She started to cry into my shoulder. I felt a few tears escape my own eyes and I buried my face in her hair. "Why would you do this to yourself babe?"

"I-I don't deserve t-to be here Harry. I'm better off dead. Josh's life will be better without me. Meghan's life will be better too. So would yours." She gave a loud sniff and I made us both sit on the floor.

"Don't you ever say that again. You're my whole life. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't around. Besides, Meghan said I was dead to her but I know she doesn't mean it. She's just angry with us. We pulled a stupid stunt, now we're paying for it. You shouldn't make yourself suffer like this." Aimee wiped away her tears then looked at her arm full of cuts. She whispered so quietly I barely caught what she said.

"I need to do this."

"No you don't."

"You don't understand Harry. The only way I can forgive myself is if I die." This wasn't making any sense. She wants to die, all because Meghan hates her. Why is she taking it so seriously? She's fell out with Meghan before. She isn't sleeping, isn't eating, self-harming, wants to die. Meghan used to be like that. Aimee's becoming depressed. What am I going to do?

I needed to stop her bleeding first. I got a facecloth and soaked it with warm water. I held it on her cuts. I watched her carefully as she kept her eyes on her arm. She looked up at me and our eyes locked on each other. I knew exactly what she was thinking. She was thinking about all her insecurities, reasons why she needs to stop eating and cut herself. "You're perfect, just the way you are." I didn't realise that I whispered that bit. I didn't care though. I leaned in and connected my lips on hers. She pulled away and didn't say anything. I need to get help for her as soon as possible. I know she'll tell me she's stopped but she won't. She'll keep going at it and I can't be there to watch her 24/7. I don't want to send her back to counselling. It's only a short-term thing. She needs long-term help. There's only one place I can think of that would benefit her...

Liam's P.O.V.

Meghan stripped down to her bikini. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I threw a tennis ball for Pip to go and fetch. I didn't realise Pip had came back because I was too busy watching Meghan. That sounds creepy, but she's my girlfriend - I'm allowed to. I can't help it if I'm head over heels for her. I watched as Zayn chased her down to the water and they both freaked out because neither of them can swim. Zayn grabbed her around the waist and spun her around, threatening to throw her into the sea. "Oi! Watch where you put your hands Malik, she's mine!" I called. I watched Meghan go bright red. After being with her just over a year, I can still make her blush. How cute.

"Yeah Malik, you're girlfriend is here too you know!" Perrie called. I laughed at Zayn as he walked back to us, hanging his head in shame. He tried to talk his way out of trouble with Perrie when Meghan came and sat in front of me. I put my legs either side of her and she leaned back onto my chest. We both watched Niall and Louis roll around in the sand with Pip. It was hard to tell who was having more fun, them or the dog. I was about to say something to Meghan when her phone started ringing. She looked at the screen.

"Ugh, it's Zac. I swear if he wants me into work today he has another thing coming." I laughed as Meghan stood up and walked away from the group where there was less noise. She didn't go too far before a person ran up to her and grabbed her phone off her. "What are you doin- Harry?" All of us were silent now. We haven't spoken to Harry since yesterday.

Meghan's P.O.V.

"Give me my phone back." He must've ended the call on me because the screen was black. Zac is going to kill me.

"Not until you listen to what I have to say."

"Make it quick." He walked over to the guys, Perrie and Eleanor. I went with him so that I could hear too.

"I'm really sorry guys. I know you don't want to hear it, but it's from me and Aimee. She's in a bad way. I caught her trying to kill herself about an hour ago. I've locked her in my car over there so I can keep an eye on her. I don't think she's right in the head. The guilt's caught up on her, now she's punishing herself by not sleeping and eating. It's really bad and I know you probably don't even care, Meghan, but I think it's best if we - or I - send her to rehab or something..." I sank down onto my knees in the sand.

My best friend tried to kill herself. She's becoming what I used to be like.

She thinks I hate her - which I don't. I'm just pissed off with her.

"Well... have you contacted anyone about it?" Harry nodded.

"The rehab centre is willing to take her in."



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