Chapter Sixty-Three.

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Aimee's P.O.V.

Back to my old life, working in the cafe. Nothing's changed since I was last here. Some of the regular customers even asked where I was - which was sweet. Josh was working with me today. "I see that you haven't run the business into the ground while I was away..." I tried to hide a smirk but I think I failed.

"Shut up, I'm very capable of running a cafe. Some of the customers even asked if I was the owner." He teased.

"No they didn't."

"Yeah they did!"

"Sure..." I laughed at Josh as I finished one of the orders for the customer. I felt something slap the back of my leg. I looked around and Josh had a tea towel. "You did not just hit me with that?!"

"And what if I did?" He raised an eyebrow and I have to admit, he looked pretty damn cute.

"You'll wish you hadn't." I lifted the tray of food and walked out, giving him a quick wink on the way passed. Today is going to be fun.


Josh has been winding me up all day. I couldn't wait to get home. It's not that I don't mind him annoying me, it's just... he was acting... different. Anyway, I was on my way to pick Meghan up. She's getting out of hospital today. She wants me to stay with her for a while, just until Liam comes home then I'll be moving back to mum's. I arrived at the hospital and walked into Meghan's room. I gave her the bag of clothes she asked me to bring. She was still kind of weak so I helped her get changed. She checked out and we walked out to my car - with Meghan holding onto me as she was still a bit wary. We got into the car and I started driving home. "I can't believe you've technically lived all of this before." She looked at me confused.

"You're dream. You've lived all this before."

"Don't mention it; I'm still really freaked out." I nodded and laughed a little. We got into her house and Pip went mental. "Down boy. I'm fragile." I shooed him away for her and he just lay down and looked so cute.

"Awwh Meghan! Wook at his wittle fwace!" I cooed.

"Don't fall into his trap! He's just looking a belly scratch!"

"Awwh I don't mind." I got down on my knees and Pip rolled over. He was in fact looking for a scratch. He started rolling around in happiness.

"Now look what you've started!" She just laughed and made her way to the living room. I got up and followed her.

"Don't you want to go up to bed?" She shook her head.

"I have five weeks to lie in bed. I'll stay down here for a while." I nodded.

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"No thanks. I actually feel a bit queasy."

"Maybe you should go up to bed. It's probably from standing up and walking around and stuff..." She agreed and I helped her up to bed.

"You don't have to stay here you know. I'll be fine on my own."

"Nonsense. You'll die of starvation or thirst if no one is here to tend to you. Just call me Nurse Aimee." I grinned.

"Oh god..."

~Next Day~

"OK, I'm off to work. Don't move from your bed." I warned her.

"Yes Ma'am." She gave me a little salute. I just rolled my eyes.

"I don't think Josh is working today so there's a possibility that he'll be round. If he is, tell him that I've made you some lunch and to microwave it for thr-"

"Just go to work already!"

"I'm going, I'm going! Jeez, pushy much."

Meghan's P.O.V.

The sound of a door closing woke me up from my nap. I looked at the clock. 13:48. I was asleep for three hours... wow. Aimee wasn't due to come home until about 6 so I presumed it was Josh. With Pip barking madly and a lot of cursing, I guessed right. Josh doesn't get on with dogs particularly well, which I find amusing. A few minutes later, Josh burst through my bedroom door, making me jump a little. "Having difficulty with the dog?" I laughed.

"The little shit tried to bite me!"

"Ok one, he isn't a "little sh*t" and two, he doesn't bite people - he's quite friendly actually. You're just paranoid." I grinned.

"Whatever." He came and sat on the bed beside me. He held up a small box.

"I got you a present." He grinned and me and I couldn't help but smile back. He handed me the box and I opened it to find a massive double chocolate chip muffin with 'Get Well Soon' written in vanilla icing.

"You're a legend Josh; this is just what I fancied." I gave him a one-armed hug and kissed his cheek. "Speaking of fancied... what's the deal with you and Aimee? She told me last night you kept winding her up." I winked at him and gave him a playful nudge, almost knocking him off the bed.

"It was just a friendly way of getting us through the day..."

"Cut the crap, you were flirting with her, I know you were!" I grinned widely and Josh went red. "Awwh!" He went to respond but my phone ringing interrupted him. I lifted it and looked at the caller.

"It's Liam, I better take this." Josh nodded and lay down beside me; only his head was at my feet. "Hey."

"Hey babe. Are you home yet?" Liam asked.

"Yeah I came home last night."

"Good. How are you feeling?" Josh kept trying to tickle my feet while I spoke to Liam. That resulted in him getting a kick in the ribs.

"I'm ok; Josh has just given me a chocolate muffin so it's all good." I laughed a little.

"At least you're being looked after." Liam said, obviously smiling. Josh got up to leave. I held out a finger and mouthed 'one minute'. He nodded and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Listen, I have to go babe. I'll text you later." We said our goodbyes and hung up. "Sorry about that. Anyway, you should just ask her out."

"She doesn't like me. She'll never go out with me."

"Never say never." I smirked at Josh. He raised an eyebrow.

"What are you planning?"

"Nothing, I just want you to take her out somewhere."

"No, she won't come." He huffed.

"Yes she will."

"No she won't." He argued.

"Yes she will."

"No she won't."

"No she won't." I repeated.

"Yes she will."

"HA! Yes she will!" I grinned.


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