Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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Meghan's P.O.V.

Aimee's been gone for two days. Harry's been acting really strange and won't tell anybody what's happened. Not even Louis. Speaking of Louis, he's organised our house warming party, all by himself. He's pushed Liam and I out of our house. Our house.

We've been kicked out of our own house. Typical. Liam and I came over to the 1D house to get ready, while Louis sets up at ours - hopefully not burning the place down while he's there. I finished curling my hair and turned off the curlers. I put on a layer of lipgloss and pulled on my heels. I took a last glance in the full length mirror in what used to be Liam's old room. I pulled my hair over my shoulder and smiled to myself, content with my appearance. Liam walked in and spotted me. "Wow, you look... wow!" He grinned. I felt my cheeks redden a little.

"You look very 'wow' yourself." Liam smiled and started to roll up the sleeves of his shirt. He seemed to be struggling. I laughed a little. "Come here." I took Liam's wrist and brought him over to the bed. We both sat down and I rolled up the sleeves of his shirt for him. As I was finishing the second sleeve, I could feel his eyes on me. I looked up, smiling.

"Can I help you?"

"I just can't believe everything that's happening to everyone." I finished rolling up his sleeves. I looked back up into Liam's eyes. They were full of happiness.

"Like what?"

"I found an amazing girl; I'm living my dream with the boys; you're living yours; Aimee's off living hers; if Harry doesn't ask her to marry him soon, I'll do it for him; me and you are starting our life together an-" I cut him off by pressing my lips on his. "And I get to kiss a beautiful girl whenever I want too." He added. I felt my self blush again.

"Come on, we don't want to be late to our own party." Liam chuckled and stood up, taking my hand and pulling me up too.

Meghan's P.O.V.

That party is madness. It's full of people I don't even know. They're all friends of the boys - who Louis has obviously invited. I've finally met Perrie though and had a nice chat with her, which was a bit awkward to start with when Zayn first introduced us but once we got talking we couldn't stop. I don't know where Liam's gone, but I've taken myself away from the party. It's all a bit too much for me. Poor Pip was shit scared with all the people around so I've brought him upstairs so now me and him are chilling in my room, watching TV. Real party animals we are.


I heard the door close for the final time, signalling the last person had left - who by the sound of it, was Louis. A few minutes later, Liam came into the bedroom. I put my finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet. He looking at me confused and I pointed to a sleeping Pip. Liam climbed into bed beside me, avoiding Pip. "Why did you leave the party?"

"I didn't really know anyone there, and you know me, I don't really like 'mingling'. Plus, Pip was scared with all the people so I thought I'd bring him up here away from everyone." Liam nodded and pulled me into his arms. "Did you have a good time?"

"It was ok. It would've been better with you though." He shrugged. I laughed quietly.

"Stop being a softy." I felt him kiss my head. We were silent for a few minutes.

"We have to go and do a TV interview in the morning." I nodded. I don't remember much after that as I must have drifted off to sleep.

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