Chapter Thirty-Nine.

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Meghan's P.O.V.

I had told everyone about my results yesterday. To celebrate we are all going on a massive group date to a restaurant, the couples being me and Liam; Louis and Eleanor; Zayn and Perrie and Harry and Niall - since they don't have girlfriends they're going to enhance the 'Narry' bromance. We weren't going until later on tonight, and I was excited to go out with everyone as a big group.

I was also excited because my cousin Tori is coming round today. I had a quick shower and got changed into sweats and a t-shirt. I decided to go comfy as I knew that I would be running after a 4 year old all day, as well as a puppy. I had just finished getting ready and was tidying the bedroom, waiting for Tori to arrive when Liam walked through the door. He was wearing a pair of sweats and a t-shirt as well, probably thinking the same thing as me. He came over and sat on the bed, grabbing my waist and pulling me onto his lap in one swift movement, so that I was facing him.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"I can't wait; I haven't seen her in ages."

"I bet she's grown loads."

"Just ma-" I was interrupted by Liam pressing his lips to mine.

Liam's P.O.V.

I knew Meghan was going to tell me what to do and what not to do with Tori, so I thought I would distract her by kissing her and surprisingly, she kissed back. I was able to move myself further up the bed without breaking the kiss. I was craving the taste of her lips and I knew she was too. I licked her bottom lip, hoping for entrance and to my surprise, I got it. We were just getting into our 'make out session' when the doorbell rang. Meghan pulled away, looked me in the eyes and pecked my lips before she jumped off me, running down the stairs to the door.

Meghan's P.O.V.

Auntie Joanne really picks her moments to arrive. I opened the front door to see Joanne with Tori standing behind her leg. "Hey Meghan, thanks for doing this." She said.

"Oh it's no problem. You know I love having her."

"Ok well Tori, mummy has to go. Be nice for Meghan and Liam." She bent down and quickly kissed Tori on the cheek and gently pushed her towards me. She stumbled a bit and I caught her, but when I did she grabbed onto my leg. I was quite taken aback as she was never like this any other time she's came around. I closed the door and turned around really awkwardly and slowly, hoping that I wouldn't hurt her. I looked up and saw Liam standing there smiling.

"Tori, you remember Liam?" Tori stood there frozen, the only thing she did was hug my leg more. I bent down and held out my arms and she hugged onto me while I tried to stand up.

I whispered into her ear. "What's wrong?" She didn't say anything but whimpered into my shoulder.

"Come on, you can tell me. What's up?" Once again she didn't say anything but this time she pointed her finger out to Liam. "Are you shy? You've met Liam before?" She hid her face in my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Tori, I won't hurt you. Look..." Liam said. Tori turned her head round and look at him and he pulled the most ridiculous face ever. That caused Tori to laugh and me as well. Once he had pulled a couple more faces, he came over to us. "Has Tori got the tickles?"

"Nooo!" She shook her head with a big smile on her face. Liam stuck his hands out and wiggled his fingers moving in toward us so he could tickle her. She scrambled out of my arms and ran away laughing with Liam chasing her. They must have run past me twice before there was some silence. Liam came walking towards me casually.

"Where's Tori?" I asked.

"I don't know?"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I thought she came back to you?" He said.

"No?! She has only been her 5 minutes and you've l-"

"BOOOO!" Tori screamed. I also screamed, clutching onto my chest. I whirled around to find Tori smiling widely at me - obviously content with being able to scare me successfully.

"Don't do that, you scared me!"

"I was meant too..." She giggled.

"I know where she gets her evilness from anyway." Liam laughed and hugged me from behind.

"Liam, get off. Tori doesn't know about us." I went to push his hands away but Tori caught us in the act.

"Are you two married?" She asked. I laughed lightly.

"Not exactly..."

"Then why do you have a ring on the same finger mummy does?" This child is too smart for her age. I lifted Tori up and brought her into the living room, with Liam following.

"You see, Liam gave me this ring to make sure that I was his girlfriend."

"Are you going to get married?" I looked at Liam who looked at me.

"Well..." Liam started.

"Hey Tori! Do you want to meet someone very special?" I changed the subject.

"YEAH!" She yelled.

"OK, you wait here with Liam." I stood up and went into the kitchen. I opened the back door and Pip came running in from the garden. "Come on boy, this way!" I led him into the living room where he ran in and spotted Tori immediately.

"Awwh! I love doggies! What's his name?" She asked.

"This is Pip." Liam replied.

"Hello Pip!" Tori got down on her knees and stroked Pip. He seemed to love it because he continued to sit in front of her.


The rest of the day was hectic. We all took Pip for a walk and let him run around in the field while Tori played in the park. We got home just in time as Joanne came to pick her up. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes! Can I come back tomorrow?" Tori looked up at me. I couldn't break her heart, but I had work tomorrow.

"I wish you could, but I have to go to work tomorrow and Liam's heading off to France with the rest of One Direction." I looked at Liam who nodded. I don't want him to leave.

"Thanks for taking her. Have fun tonight." I almost forgot we were going out. We waved Joanne and Tori off and went inside. I had a quick shower and changed.


Dinner was really good. We all had such a nice night, but I wish Aimee was here with us. Like I've said before, our group isn't complete with one person missing. Harry seemed very distant tonight as well. I can't believe him and Aimee have split up again. They're perfect for each other, but too fucking blind to see it. I couldn't help going to bed that night feeling sick and having a pain in my lower abdomen. I woke up during the night and was sick twice. I felt bad for waking Liam up. "Babe, are you ok?"

"Yeah... I bet it's just food poisoning. I'll be ok." I sent him back to bed and hobbled back myself, doubled over in pain. What's going on? I tried my best to ignore the pain and go back to sleep, spending my last few hours with Liam before he leaves for France tomorrow.

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