Chapter 39.

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Brad's POV

From Rachel,

Dump her or I'll tell

"Brad, she's all talk she wouldn't dare to tell Rose." Tristan reassured me whilst Connor and James read the messages she had been sending me throughout the night.

"I don't know how she knows, I spoke to Megan and she said that they heard nothing apart from the last sentence of our convestation." James shrugged cluelessly.

"Rachel must have heard more than Megan." Connor stated.

"Or she heard is back in the cooler." I mentally face palmed myself. "When it was only a couple of us-"

"Shit!" Tristan muttered as he remembered the past event.

"Your going to have to tell Rose." Connor announced shaking his head in disappointment.

"But then she'll just end up breaking up with me!" I groaned, slamming my back against the brick wall. "For once in my life, I want to stay with a girl. I'm not unread red in somebody else-"

"You should of thought about the before-"

"If it wasn't for this bet then I wouldn't have been so desperate to get to know her, I'm kinda grateful for that." I said truthfully.

"Really?" Tristan questioned, seeming rather surprised.

"There must be a way of Rose not finding out." James swallowed.

"We'll help you Brad." Connor commented and a smile traced my face in response.

"How?" I responded nervously. Connor hummed hesitantly before shaking his head.

"I don't know mate."

"You'll have to give her what she wants." James called reminding me of the words Rose once said about Rachel.

"I'm not dumping Rose-"I insisted firmly.

"You'll have to find out what she wants." James shrugged, pointing at my phone. "Text her saying, come round yours tonight to talk." I agreed to James plan and composed the message.

To Rachel,

Come round mine tonight to talk.

"In the meantime we'll have to make sure Rose and Rachel paths don't cross." Tristan added whilst James grinned.

"But they're in the same friendship group!" I sighed in defeat.

"I know, I'll suggest to Megan at lunch that us four should go on a double date tonight."

"But Rachel is supposed to be coming round me tonight."

"Exactly, you find out what Rachel wants then kick her out before you come and meet us." James informed me.

"Thanks for helping me, especially under the circumstances." I sighed helplessly. "I know I've fucked everything up-"

"You haven't, don't think like that." Tristan reassured me by wrapping his arm around my neck. "We'll sort this out, together."

"And if worse happens, we'll be here for you." Connor commented with a sad smile as my phone bleeped in my hand.

"It's from Rachel." I whispered.

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