Chapter 9.

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Rose's POV

"Are you ok?" Brad questioned for the billionth time.

"I'm absolutely fine." I insisted once again, rolling my eyes at bus question. We walked along the high street, the cold wind nipping at my pare skin causing me to shiver. Part of me was pleased that Brad offered to walk me home, once again, it allowed us two time to just chat causally without Megan or the boys interrupting.

"Of course you're fine." Brad said inc a mocking tone. "You are wearing blue lipstick." I glanced over at him and his lips lifted into a sly smile.

"Wear this." He suggested, tugging at the hoddie that was tied around his waist handing it to me. "I don't need it."

"Thank you." I thanked him politely taking grasp of the grey zip up hoddie, sliding my arms through before placing the hod over my head, covering my ears from the wind.

Brad chuckles next to me, running a hand through his curls. We shared a smile before continuing to concentrate on the direction we was heading.

"How long have you been friends with the boys?" I wandered as curiously overwhelmed me.

"Since primary school, we've always been inseparable." He said with a large grin. "No matter what happens, I'll always be friends with them." He said. It was something about the way he said it, with such determination in his voice that made my smile grow. "How about you, what were your friends like back in London?"

"They were cool." I commented quietly. "There was a rather big group of us, that's probably why they haven't texted or call to see how I am anymore. The group is so big, it doesn't seem like someone is missing."

"I'm sure that's not true." He sighed deeply pouting his lips together.

"You don't know what they're like." I said firmly with a heavy sigh.

"But, they don't matter anymore." Brad fought back. "As you've got Megan, the boys and I."

"I'm not exactly a friend of the boys, more like a tag along."

"No, they like your company." He insisted. "Especially me, it's much better than Rachel's." I couldn't help but laugh a little which seemed to cause Brad to poke out his tongue at me.

"Your really don't like, do you?"

"God no!" He announced in disgust.

"But, she really likes you-"

"Sooner or later she needs to realise, that I'm not interested in her." He groaned with annoyance. "My heart is made for someone else." He whispered, locking his eyes with mine.

"It's not a game though."I  sighed deeply, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I've watched people's life shatter due to a relationship." I admitted truthfully which caused Brad's facial expressions to change, he slightly parted his lips to say a response but then kept his mouth quiet.

*beep beep*

Exhaling deeply, I reached for my phone from my pocket to see the screen lit up with a message from my mum.

From Mum,

Didn't know when you was going to be home so haven't cooked you dinner. Also, Liam is round as we have something to ask you. Xx

"It's from my mum." I grunted, crinkling my nose. "She's got her male friend round."

"Boyfriend?" Brad automatically assumed.

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