Chapter 11.

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Rose's POV

"And if you have any problems just call me and I'll come straight home." My mum rambled as she gave me a worried smile.

"Mum, I'll be fine." I sighed calmly. "We'll be fine." I repeated once again as I glanced down at Charley, the four year old daughter to Liam that I was looking after over this weekend.

"I know you will be, all mum's stress about living their babies at home alone." She admitted truthfully, running her hand through the tangles of her hair.

"I'm seventeen, I'm not exactly a baby anymore." I lightly laughed as she forced her arms around my petite body.

"You're growing up too fast." She whispered in my ear before letting go.

"Are you ready to leave now?" Liam questioned as he frowned slightly.

"I think so." My mum confirmed before taking a large deep breath. "And if you can't get hold of me, ask one of the neighbours."

"You've already told me that about a million times." I shook my head as I couldn't help but laugh.

"In sorry."

"Don't be, go and have as much fun as you can at a work meeting weekend." I reassured her positively.

"I love you.",

"I love you too mum." In a matter a seconds, my mum was whisked away by a man that seemed to be pulling our friendship apart and now I was left alone - with a four year old girl.

"Are they coming back?" A small voice asked as I felt someone tug at my jumper. I glanced down to see Charley looking up and giving me a toothless grin.

"Of course they're in two days." I smiled sweetly, kneeling down to her height. "What do you want to do? Have a snack, watch TV or you could do both together?"

"Watch a film!" She cheered throwing her hands in the air with excitement.

"And which one should we watch?" I laughed quietly as I watched her face light up with excitement, so much joy and happiness over a film.

"Frozen!" She replied back. Instantly, I groaned - the overrated Disney film with the most catchiest songs that would be stuck in your brain for weeks. "Can we, please?" She begged, pleading with her eyes.

"Fine, we'll watch frozen." And with that responded, Charley began to rush around the living room almost tripping over several times.

"And snacks?" She giggled mischievously. "Daddy, always lets me have snacks when I watch frozen!"

"Ok then." I smiled sympathetically at Charley as she attempted to climb the leather sofa. "I'll make snacks whilst you get comfortable-" I twisted on my heels and headed straight into the kitchen, searching for something to eat. Whilst doing this job, my phone laid on the table bleeping away to itself.

From Brad,

How's the baby sitting going Nanny McPhee? Xx

I frowned at his message playfully before responding back.

To Brad,

Both still alive but now having to force myself to watch frozen, don't know if I survive xx

Whilst waiting for a reply, I continued to search through the practically empty cupboards - finding two packets of crips and a packet of chocolate biscuits. Enough to keep a four year old quiet for almost two hours.

"We've got the snacks, now time for the film." I said in a cheerful voice, locating the film on Netflix and tuning it to play on the TV screen. Slowly, it set itself up and began to roll the beginning. Charley's muttering to herself stopped as she placed her thumb in her mouth, concentrating fully on the film as i re entered the kitchen grasping hold of my phone to see Brad had replied.

From Brad,

I love that film, I'm coming over right now to watch it! X

From the text message, I couldn't really work out if it was being sarcastic or not.
Ten minutes into the film, the doorbell rung and automatically I knew who it was and without hesitation I jumped from the chair.

"Who is it?" Charley yawned as I paused the film from a moment.

"A friend of mine." I explained to her as she nodded her head before allowing me to open the front door.


Brad's POV

It seemed like forever I was waiting outside for the door to open but as soon as the familiar red door flung open I stepped inside without any protests.

"Nice to see you too, would you like to come in?" Rose questioned sarcastically as I smiled at her angelically.

"Have I missed much of frozen?" I grinned cheesy at her as she run a hand through her hair.

"Is that your friend?" A sudden small voice asked, from the corner of my eye I saw the small girl Rose was looking after.

"Yes, and he's the biggest frozen fan." Rose giggled allowed the little to clutch onto her hand. "Charley, this is Brad."

"Hi Charley." I smiled heart warmly, she slowly took a step closer towards me.

"Are you really the biggest frozen fan?" She said seriously, furrowing her eyebrows together.

"Maybe not as big as you." I joked. "Who's your favourite character?"

"Queen Elsa." She confined with a toothless grin. "Who's yours?"

"I think mine may have to be Olaf." I announced. "In summer!" I playfully sung as Charley watched me in amazement and Rose laughed.

"Rose, yours can be Anna!" She exclaimed with excitement. "Can we play Frozen?"

"I thought you wanted to watch the film?" Rose asked, titling her head to the side and smiling slightly.

"Play and watch!" She said clasping her hands together. "You can be Anna and Brad can be Kristoff!" She said twiddling her small fingers together as she planned the idea in her mind.

"I think Brad really wanted to watch the film first." She insisted to Charley whilst smirking in my direction.

"Oh yes, even though I've watched the film a million times." I exaggerated before I winked teasingly at Rose.

"Then, afterwards can we play?" Charley asked in nervously waiting for Rose's reply.

"If you want, I'm sure Brad would love to dress up."

"Just as long as you don't take pictures of me in a dress." I laughed carelessly.

"I think a dress would suit you." Rose commented with a smile before guiding Charley into the living room with me following behind.

"This babysitting duty isn't actually  that hard, I'm a natural." I whispered in her ear before siting down.

"Alright Nanny McPhee!"

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