Chapter 37.

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Brad's POV

"Do you mind if you loosen the grip on my hand?" Rose chuckled as we strolled out of the classroom, hand in hand. "I would like to have some feeling, it's gone quite numb-"

"Shit." I cursed, swatting her hand away. "I didn't mean to-"

"I know you didn't." She smirked, shaking her head slightly. "You just want to show off to everyone-"

"No." I shook my head, trying to conceal a smile that suddenly appeared. "Alright, maybe I am but wouldn't you?"

"I think you're right!" She beamed as we proceed to walk until there was several shoutings.

"Rose, wait up!" We stopped in our tracks and in unison turned around to see Lucy and Bailey jogging after us.

"Are you going to the canteen?" Rose asked curiously. "Because that's where we're heading."

"Yeah!" Lucy confirmed smiling in amusement as her eyes diverted from Rose to me.

"I actually promised Tristan I would meet him by his locker but I'll see you inside?" I announced as Rose's eyes glistened. She nodded her head in agreement before slowly letting go off my hand.

Sighing in relief to see James, I strolled over as he shook his head in disappointment.

"You really went through it?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, I did."

"Now you know you have to live with the guilt." He said raising his eyebrow. "I tried to warn you-"

"I'm fine with it as long as Rose never finds out I slept with her for money."

"You slept with her?" Tristans voice doomed capturing the attention of the entire hallway.

"He sure did." James said in a a sarcastic tone.

"I must say I'm surprised!" Connor confirmed joining in the converstation before handing me a £20 note.

"I really needed that money as well." Tristan sighed hopelessly as I grasped hold of the paper.

"Hope you enjoy your money," James then said bitterly before throwing a smile. "And there's more news our Bradley has to tell you-"

"What now?" Connor questioned, yawning. "Is it important? I'm starving-"

"Quite." I said bluntly. "Rose and I are now dating-"

"You what?" Tristan spluttered, swatting Connor's head as he swung his arms.

"My thoughts exactly." James chipped in. "Firstly you sleep with her for money then decide to ask her out-"

"Your not going to tell her about the bet are you?" Tristan whispered harshly.

"I can't tell Rose that!" I hissed. "And she must never find out."

"What? That you basically played with her emotions, sleeping with her to win a bet and earn some money, then ask her out to hide your guilt-"

"Who's slept with someone for money?" A high pitched voice whistled, interrupting the converstation. Slowly, I turned my head to see Megan and Rachel behind us.

"Nobody!" James lied as Megan frowned.

"I can tell when you're lying to me." She announced as Rachel smirked.

"How much did you hear of that converstation?" I gulped nervously.

"Oh not much at all." Rachel announced in a sickly sweet voice.

"We were actually talking about Brad and Rose officially dating." Connor chimed.

"Dating?" Both girls said in unison.


"It won't last long though." Rachel sniggered. "Not if I have anything to do with it."


Rose's POV

"When was you going to tell me about Brad and yourself?" Megan practically screamed as she reaches the circularly table almost causing me to choke on my food.


"He just told me!" She sucked in a sharp breath, the corner of her lips tightening into a smile.

"I was going to tell you later." I said truthfully fiddling with my fingers. "Are you happy?" She bit her lip with a nod.

"I assumed it was going to happen."  She announced before siting down and starting a totally opposite converstation with Lucy as I continued to eat my chips.

"Oi rosey Rose." I looked up to see Rachel stuttering across the room, staring at me with a smirk written across her face. I rose an eyebrow at her expression, proceeding to eat my food. However, before she reached a chair safely she pretended to trip over Bailey's bag ending up with throwing her entire plateful of food over my chest. The canteen suddenly fell quiet due to the clattering sound.

"Bitch." I muttered as the slimy potatoes soaked my shirt.

"Opps, sorry!" She beamed, climbing back to her feet. "Let me clean that for you." She said  she poured a can of coke over my head erupting in a crowd of laughter.

"What was that for?" I hissed, clenching my fists together.

"You and Brad won't last." She whispered in my ear. "He's only using you." She lied, before she stumbled slightly backwards allowing me to have time to grasp hold of Megan's bottle of tomato sauce, spilling it over her skirt.


"FOOD FIGHT!" the brummie accent shouted across the room causing everyone to begin to throw their food childishly at each other.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Brad said before guiding me out the hall. "What was all that about? What did she say to you?"

"It's nothing, it was a long time coming." I lied. "Can we just go home?"

"We still have an whole entire lesson?"

"When have you ever refused a chance to bunk?" She hiccuped, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Never." I said truthfully, wrapping an arm around her tightly.

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