Chapter 15.

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Rose's POV

From Brad,

Meet me at the back of the library, five minutes after the bell. I have a lesson I want to bunk but don't want to be alone(: X

"Rose!" The familiar voice of Megan shouted as I strolled across the road.  "You little slut."

"What?" I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"Brad told James about him staying over at yours!" She hissed in my ear however she seemed to smile a little. "Did you fuck each other? Did he make a move on you? He didn't force himself on you did he?" She asked eagerly, lowering her voice.

"No, no and no!" I emphasised.

"So, absolutely nothing happened?" She frowned.

"We're just two friends!" I said clearly. "Nothing happened apart from us laughing and Brad occasionally flirting, but you know him he flirts with anything that move!"

"Thank god!" Megan let out a girlish squeal. "My only friend who has actually declined him."

"He didn't even make a move." I laughed shyly. "I must be that ugly-"

"You aren't, consider yourself a lucky little one." She said firmly. "He obviously respects you."

"You cold say that!" I shrugged my shoulders, letting my mind drift away with my thoughts. We entered the school building with each other and stood where he usually waited was James. By now, the halls bad began to clear. Students gradually disappearing away to their designated classrooms allowing them two to have some private time together whilst I stood their awkwardly.

"James!" Megan waved as she unbuttoned the first few buttons of her skirt which had been an act I was used to observing - clearly them two were very close together.

"Hey Meg, hey Rose!" He smiled brightly, acknowledging me as he tightened the grip of his arms around his girlfriend boyfriend.

"Her and Brad had no action." Megan suddenly spat out.

"Really?" James asked in confusion.

"Isn't that good?" Megan beamed. "Brad is actually respecting a girl, for the first time in his life."

"Meg, lay off him for a bit." James responded with a deep sigh.

"He needs to realise, girls deserve more respect-"

"I'm going to my class, I'll see you both later." I interrupted Megan's rant, cutting the tension between her and James suddenly.

"Oh, alright." She stopped and smiled angelically. Quickly, I walked away heading towards the library for my free lesson.However, as I reached the door there was somebody standing in the way.

"Excuse me." I whispered in a shy voice as I tried to slip past the body to get to where I was heading. The boy was stood by the doorway with his back to me and he was tall, probably reaching about 6'2ft. He was dressed in the same matching school uniform like everyone else but wore a leather jacket to differ himself.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there shorty." The boy laughed playfully before flashing me a smile.

"It's alright." I shrugged my shoulders as I responded back with a smile. He was gorgeous. He had high cheekbones and a sharp jaw line. His blonde hair was in a windswept style which only a handful of guys could pull off without looking like a mess and he had amazing sat of emerald green eyes.

"Hey, aren't you Rose?" In shock, I looked up at the boy who seemed to know me and then I realised who it was.

"You was the waiter who severed us last night." I chuckled to myself.

"I must have recognised you from school." He said, gently hitting his forehead with his hand. "You're friends with Rachel."

"I guess you could say we were friends." I said through gritted teeth. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm now so I don't know many names. What's your?"

"Stewart." He informed me. "Rachel's twin brother.",

"She never told me that she had was twin!" I said in amazement.

"She doesn't really like to admit we're related." He repeated shyly, narrowing his eyes at the floor. "I really don't know how you can get along with her, majority of the time we down each other's throats arguing."

"I'm guessing that's normal for siblings." I implied. "I'm an only child myself."

"Consider yourself lucky." He smiled, closing his eyes together then reopening them. "Anyone, I better get going. I'm already fifteen minutes later to class."

Shit, I forgot Brad was waiting for me.

"Me too." I said stunned.

"If you have class, why are you heading to the back of library?"

"I-I-I had a room change." I lied, slightly nudging my way past Stewart. "We'll speak soon, right?"

"Definitely!" He replied back enthusiastically before waltzing down the hallway. Worried that Brad may have left and not waited for me, I rushed around the back.

"Sorry." I apologised to see the familiar figure, kicking an empty can underneath his feet. He glanced up then down wearing a slight frown on his face.

Brad's POV

"Sorry." The familiar voice of Rose called as she rushed around the corner.
I glanced up to see her wearing a small smile then back down concentrating on the can I had been entertaining myself with for the last fifteen minutes. "I got caught up with things, did you know Rachel had a twin brother?" My eyebrows knitted together.

"Yes." I replied back bluntly. "He was the waiter at the restaurant last night."

"I honestly had no clue she was a twin, I jumped bumped into him now." She giggled carelessly.

"Is that what you got caught up in?" I questioned curiously, watching her smile turn upside down into a frown.


"You said you got caught up in things." I repeated her exact words. "He's an alright guy, I assume. Not that he has much of liking towards me."

"He's a nice boy."

"Throws a good punch too." I admitted truthfully, remembering the time two years ago where I found myself in a fight with him.

"No way." She whispered in shock. "He seemed like such a nice boy, I couldn't imagine him doing that-"

"Well he did." I rolled my she's, a tinge of annoyance displaying my face.

"You probably deserved it." She laughed playfully, however i wasn't assumed. Her laughter suddenly stopped causing a silence between us which rarely happened. "What's wrong Brad?"

"Nothing." I spat out. "I'm going to head back to class."

"I thought you wanted to bunk that class." She said in confusion, furrowing her shaped eyebrows together.

"I've changed my mind."

"Whatever then." She shrugged her shoulders, her voice hinting that she's a slightly hurt. "Text me later, when you're in a better mood." She said before storming off.

Fuck. I hate jealousy.

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