Chapter 23.

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Rose's POV

Brad Simpson kissed me.

"Earth to Rose." My mums voice hummed as the moment back at Brad's continuously played in my mum. "Where are you going? You need to eat first!"

"What, sorry?" I hiccuped realising I was staring at a blank wall for what seemed like five minutes.

"Are you feeling ok? You seem very distance and distracted." She questioned concerned.

"I'm fine and im going round Megan's, if you don't mind-" I reported back.

"Of course I don't mind but if you don't feel well, I don't think you should-"

"I feel absolutely fine, I've had a lack of sleep." I lied, running my fingers through my hair whilst my eyes watched my mum place bread into the toaster.

"I need to make sure you're eating." She admitted truthfully. "Then you can head off whilst I stay home alone all by myself."

"I'm sorry." I shrugged. "I assumed you was seeing Liam today."

"No that's tonight." She reminded me with a small smile.

"What about Charley?"

"She's coming with us, we're going out for bowling then going to a pizza place." She announced causing me to frown.

"Thanks for an invite." I muttered underneath my breath.

"Here." She said handing me the freshly toasted breakfast.

"Thanks." I said closing my she's and pursing my lips together.

"Rose, before you go I want to speak to you about Liam." My mum then quietly said.

"Spit it out." I sighed crunching on the toast and wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

"Well you know and him are getting on absolutely perfect and we've been going out for work, well I need to know if it's alright with you if I start se-" before she could finish her sentence, we both heard the doorbell ring.

"That's probably Megan, she's picking me up in her car." I reported.

"She can drive?"

"She passed her text last month." I informed her. "I better go, can we talk about this later."

"Yeah, have a nice time!" My mum sighed in responded as I grabbed my phone from the counter and rushed to open the door.

"All set and ready to go?" Megan questioned as I opened the door.

"Yep." I said emphasising the 'p'. "Enjoy your night!" I shouted quickly back into the house. As the door slammed behind me, Megan turned away and walked back over to her car.

"There's been a sudden change to the plan." She said instantly as I clambered into the car. "James said that they're having band practice at Tristans and I said we would go and watch them perform." She said getting straight to the point.

"Wait a minute!" I abruptly stopped my sentence, frowning at Megan who started the engine. "You promised me it would be just us girls-"

"We've hanged out with the boys before, I thought you liked them?" She asked curiously causing me to sink in my seat.

"I do." I mumbled shyly. "I was looking forward to a girly day without mentioning any boys."

"I think it will be fun watching the band!" Megan announced proudly.

The car journey was short and soon we arrived at Tristans house. Megan parked up, before practically sprinting to the door. Following behind her, I slowly motioned out of the vehicle.

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