Chapter 13.

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Rose's POV

I heard the front door slam.

"My mum." I gasped, placing the palm of my hands over Brad's mouth stopping him from responding. I knew my mum would go ape if she found out I had a boy around and even more ballistic if she found out he stayed over - even if he did sleep downstairs.

"Rose, we're back!" Her voice echoed throughout the house.

"You need to hide." I whispered panicky.

"But why?" Brad muttered, grasping hold of my wrists to remove my hands from his face.

"She'll go mental, she hates me having boys around without her permission." I hissed as my eyes diverted around my room.

"I wonder how she'll react if she finds out I've slept over." He smirked, wriggling his eyebrows together.

"She can't, she won't!" I snapped.

"Rose! Charley!" This time it was Liam's voice shouting.

"Hide in the wardrobe and don't come out unless I tell you so." I instructed forceful, opening the white doors.

"Alright." He agreed, climbing inside. "Just don't forget about me-"

"I won't, I'm sorry about this." I apologised shyly allowing Brad to close the doors whilst I rushed down the stairs to see Mum, Charley and Liam all sat together in the living room.

"There you're are!" My mum gasped. "You let Charley downstairs all by herself."

"Not for long though, I needed the toilet!" My mind side tracked by the boy hiding inside my wardrobe.

"Did you have fun with Rose, Charley?" Liam cooed to his daughter. She grin toothlessly at him before glancing over at me. Silently, I prayed she wouldn't mention Brad.

"We watched frozen and went to the park!" She giggled excitedly. "Can we come over again?"

"If Rose would like to babysit you again." He nodded at his daughter as she cheered to herself. "If that isn't a problem, Rose?"

"No problem at all." I confirmed. "I had actually had a lot of fun!"

"Hanging out with a four year old?" My mum sniggered to herself.

"And Rose's friend-" Charley began to ramble however I interrupted her.

"So did you two have fun?" I asked, not the slightly bit interested.

"As much fun as you can looking at numbers and statistics." My mum admitted as her cheeks began to flush as she stared at Liam.

"It was certainly a changing trip." Liam announced causing me to be utterly confused as to what he meant. However, I didn't bother questioning him as I was too occupied in wondering how the hell I was going to get Brad out of the wardrobe.


Brad's POV

Never in my life have I ever sat cramped in a girl's wardrobe. With my knees resting against my chest, I say in the utter darkness waiting for Rose to return.I heard the front door slam.

The boys faces would be a picture if they could see the lengths I would go to win this bet.

Using this time wisely, I decided to summarise the last 24 hours to James in a text.

To James,

Slept over at Rose's, now sat hidden away in wardrobe due to mum bursting home. No action, just yet though (;

I smirked at the message before pressing send, the voices coming from downstairs became more clear allowing me to listen.

"How about tomorrow the four of us go out for dinner?" The male voice proposed - I assumed was Charley's father.

"That sounds like an excellent idea." Rose's mum exclaimed.

"Mmh." I heard Rose join in less enthusiastic which caused me to chuckle to myself.

"That's a plan then, we'll see you tomorrow at the Italian restaurant down the high street." The male confirmed, before the front door slammed shut.

"I don't think we've got milk." Rose announced clearly.

"I'll pop out to the shops, you'll alright be yourself?"

"Mum you left me for almost a whole weekend, I'll be fine." She sighed in slight annoyance.

"I'll be back in ten minutes." The front door slammed once again causing heavy footsteps to erupt.

"I thought she was going to leave." Rose sighed deeply as I burst out of the wardrobe.

"I think I've broken my back." I exaggerated to make Rose feel sympathetic towards me.

"Well you shouldn't of got yourself in the situation in the first place." She said pursing her lips.

"I would love to have seen your mums face  to her innocent little girl have a boy over." She rolled her eyes at me, flipping the finger before smiling innocently.

"You better get going or she will see you." She sighed sadly, her shoulders slumping as her mood changed into a rather despondent one.

"Oh, alright." I shrugged, smoothing out the creases in my jeans. 

"See you Monday?"

"I guess so." I nodded in agreement as I followed her down the stairs and out of the front door. "Monday it is." Rose waved me off as I wandered down the streets and that's when I saw a response from James.

From James,

Are you giving up yet? Haha!

Did he really think I was a quitter? I'm quite the opposite.

To James,

How about the four of us boys go to the Italian restaurant tomorrow?

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