Chapter 21.

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Brad's POV

"She's been ignoring my texts for a week now."

"And I thought you said your jealously plan was working?" Tristan gushed. "Leave it for a bit, she'll coming running back-"

"That's the thing, she won't as she's the only female in this entire building that doesn't like him." Connor added causing both him and Tristan to splutter with laughter.

"Fuck you!" I cursed under my breath at Connor whilst my eyes concentrated on my phone.

It had been a week since Rose and I last spoke outside her house. Ever since that day, she ignored me - at school, my calls and my messages.

"She was the one who insisted that I text her." I added, chewing my chip anxiously as groups of students swarmed the cafeteria.

"Maybe you should grow some balls and go up to her, right now in person." James suggested whilst I frowned on his direction.

"He can't exactly do that, can he?" Connor sighed deeply. "Hey Rose, why have you been ignoring me? All I want to do is win his bet with my mates by getting you in my bed." He then added, in a high pitched voice trying to symbolise me.

"Alright then." James paused to shoot me a firm look. "Maybe she has feelings that you done seem to realise."

"Like what?" I let out a weary sigh.

"She may like you more than you realise." He repeated more clearly.

"Highly unlikely, your girlfriend warned her off me to she wouldn't even consider giving me a thought." With a roll of my eyes, I continued to eat my lunch trying my best to ignore the smiles I obtained from Rachel who sat opposite us.

"The only way you're going to win her around now is to force yourself to talk to her." Tristan stated confidently. "Instead of saying lets talk, you say you need help with homework considering she's a smart girl."

"For once Evans, you're speaking sense instead of bullshit." I smirked in his direction.

Rose's POV

It has been a week since I last spoke to Brad and ever since then, things in my life had completely changed. Something about visioning Rachel and Brad together made my wince.

When fifth period came around, I made my way to the English classroom to set through yet another hour of silence - refusing to speak to anyone. I took my usual spot infront of Megan who smiled at me in delight the moment I entered the room.

"What took you so long?" She questioned as she showed me a bright smile.

"I forgot something in my locker." I lied with a matching smile. "And by the time I was heading back to the canteen the bell rung."

"You missed the plans for the weekend!" She chuckled in excitement. "My parents are away tomorrow so I said the girls and you could come around for the evening." I internally groaned at the thought of spending an evening with Rachel.

"Sounds like fun." I nodded in agreement.

"You can come round earlier so we can have a proper girly catch up!"

"It will just be us girls thought, nobody else?"

"You mean will James and his boys be there?" She laughed loudly throwing back her head. "I might invite them, is that a problem?"

"No." I lied.

"Great that's sorted!" She said clasping her hands together in perfect timing for James and Brad to walk in. Instantly, I turned my back away from Megan and prepared myself for the lesson whilst the chair beside me scraped across the floor.

"Sorry." The familiar brummie accent apologised in laughter as he settled down inch is seat.

"Right class today, we're studying a play that you're all probably pretty familiar with and that is Romeo and Juliet." Mrs Graham announced cheerfully causing the class to erupt in moans and groans, however I maintained a smiled remembering that I focused on the play back in my old school. "You'll be writing essays about chosen extracts and analysing language used-"

The lesson seemed to drag on for hours on end, especially with who seemed to either be talking to me or to himself. Without exchanging a word to him, I slowly began to write the date before an arm nudged my hand.

"What?" I hissed, flickering my eyes up towards Brad who was pouting his lips together.

"Do you understand this?" He questioned, widening his eyes down at my sheet.


"Can you help me?"

"It's quite simply, I did this back at my old school-"

"That means you have double the experience that me on this." He said truthfully. "So, please can you help me?"

"Alright then." I sighed deeply, leaning slightly towards him. "What do you need help on?"

"Everything." He hyperbole.


"What are you doing after school?"

"Nothing." I responded back. "Why the sudden change of subject? I said I was going to help you-"

"You can come back to mine and teach me everything you about this play." He said. "Just for an hour or so?" I contemplated my thoughts for a moment before nodding.

"Sure, yeah, I'd be happy to."


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