Chapter 34.

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Rose's POV

"Now I'm for certain my mum is home." I warned Brad as we wandered up the driveway. "So if you want go, I'm fine-"

"No, I want to come in." He said with a smile.

"Alright then." I said in slight confusion to his forceful attitude. I unlocked the door slowly and allowed Brad to enter first dragging the bear behind him.

"Charley is going to absolutely love this bear." He announced.

"She is." I chucked lightly. "Mum!"

"Rose, just in time I'm leaving for work now-" she rambled as she rushed down the staircase. She suddenly stopped her step as eyes diverted towards Brad who simply waved at her.

"Hello Miss Barnes." He beamed as her mouth dropped.

"The famous Brad Simpson." She spat out.

"Mum, this is Brad." I introduced them as her lips formed into a smile. "Brad, this is my mum-"

"Rose, this isn't your mum." Brad exclaimed embarrassing as my mums smile agree. "I thought it was your older sister."

"Aren't you a little charmer." My mum whistled, running her hand through her hair.

"Clearly, Rose's gets her beautiful looks from you." He said smoothly. I turned my head demurely to the side to avert my gaze, but the sudden redness appearing on my cheeks gave it away.

"She's blushing!" My mum cooed, scrunching her nose up as she pinched my cheeks teasingly.

"Oh shush." I mumbled, swatting her hand away from me.

"So may I ask where have you two been and why is there a gigantic bear in my hallway?" My mum suddenly questioned. I opened my mouth to interject, though Brad cut me off before I had the chance to.

"I hope you didn't mind Miss Barnes but I took your daughter on a date to the fair in town after she told me how much she loved winter wonderland back in London, I also won her this teddy bear."

"Well isn't that sweet." My mum smirked as she gave me the thumbs up when Brad wasn't taking notice.

"Seriously, stop!" I mouthed before smiling over at Brad. "Don't you have work now?"

"I'm just heading there now." She confirmed. "But I think I may need to set some ground rules before I leave-" I instantly rolled my eyes slowly.

"I know, don't make a mess and if you eat put the dishes in the washer-"

"Are you guys dating?" She asked, her eyeballs almost popping out of their form.

"No mum, you can't straight forward ask those questions!" I cried out in embarrassment. She frowned in disappointment, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I think you two would be absolutely adorable-"

"I'll bare that in mind Miss Barnes." Brad nodded which seemed to cause my mum to smile brightly. He grabbed my hand, locking our fingers together.

"Are you going to leave now?" I asked awkwardly.

"So you two can have privacy?" She questioned, whispering the last part.

"Don't want to be late for work."

"Privacy." She winked. "Just remember to stay safe, I know you are both smart people and properly are prepared. But if you need condoms, check the top cabinet in the bathroom."

"Mum!" I gasped, covering my face with my hands. "Please go!"

"Remember protection." She called as I practically pushed her out of the door.


Brad's POV

"Please tell me I'm not related to that women." Rose whined as she sat with her head in her hands.

"All mums our embarrassing, remember mine how she was towards you." I lightly chucked, rubbing her lower back.

"I really hope your mum liked me." She admitted truthfully. "I got the feeling she properly didn't-" my face scrunched up slightly in confusion to the last part of her sentence.

"Of course she liked you." I announced. "In fact, she loved you."

"Not as much as my mum loves you." She chucked lightly, running her hand threw her hair. "I'm sorry again, I think she gets a bit carried away-"

"It's alright as long as she doesn't fancy me."

"Don't flatter yourself, she's got a boyfriend." She reminded me, rolling her eyes slowly.

"May I ask how she already knew me?"

"I-I may have-" Rose stuttered. "She knew we were friends."

"Ready?" I smirked, lifting up my eyebrow.

"I think Megan was talking about James one day, your name was said and my mum overheard."

"So Megan and you were talking about me?"

"Not like that." She shook her head, covering her face with her hands. "We spoke about for a little bit-"

"Well, I was speaking to James about you today." I admitted truthfully.

"And?" She gulped.

"Just about how much I enjoy spending  time with you." I whispered, attaching my lips slowly onto Rose's.

Unlike, the others kisses Rose and I had encountered this one progressed as I bit my lip which triggered Rose to take a grasp of my hair, running her fingers though a thick curl.

"Brad." He voice groaned shakily as my mouth made its way along her collar bone and up her neck towards the ear leaving delicate purple mark. Sharply, Rose pushed away as her hands flew up to her neck. "How am I suppose to cover this?"

"Well your mum will understand." I winked cheekily.

"Brad, I-" water filled her eyes suddenly causing me to feel confused and guilty.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of-" I whispered moving away from her slightly.

"No, please don't." She whimpered grasping hold my knee.

"I need to go." I excused myself.

"But before you go-" she called.


"Can we talk about us?"

"Not today." I refused, ignoring my tangled thoughts. "How about tomorrow after school? My whole family have gone away, we can go round mine and talk."

"Yeah." She nodded.

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