Chapter 24.

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"Did you enjoy it?" I questioned Rose quietly as she sat alone, once everyone divided off into smaller group conversations.

"I really liked it." She nodded in agreement, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Rose, about yesterday-" however I couldn't finish my sentence as Rachel began to ramble.

"Let's play a game!"


Rose's POV

"A game?" Brad groaned in response as he slowly walked away from me, leaving me feeling slightly isolated from the group.

"Truth or dare!" She grinned mischievously. "The girls and I always play this, don't we Rose?"

"Do we?" Rose repeated on utter confusion causing Rachel to groan.

"Alright then." Bailey interrupted. "We've once or twice a long time ago-"

"Let's play this game then, it should be interesting." Connor said with smirk that seemed to heading in my direction and I chewed the inside of my cheek.

"Tristan, go and get a bottle so we can spin it." James instructed wisely, Tristan nodded in agreement and swiftly left the garage whilst the rest of us organised ourself in a small circle.

"Don't do dares, they're so pathetic." Megan moaned truthfully. "Just do truths!"

"Here's the bottle." Tristan replied, placing the glass object in the centre of the circle. "Spin it!" He cheered, twisting his hand around the bottle before releasing causing it to rapidly turn. Then, slowly stop on Lucy.

"I'll ask!" Connor smiled shyly. "Lucy, do you want to go to the cinema with me next week?"

"Yes!" She hiccuped as her cheeks grew red.

"Guys!" James groaned in response hitting his palm against his head. "Make the truths interesting not a way to get together."

"Leave them alone, they're a cute couple." Megan said defending the pair before spinning the bottle again. This time landing on Bailey.

"Did Tristan give you birthday sex?" Connor laughed loudly.

"I'll pass!" She giggled childishly, hiding her face in her hands.

"That's a yes." I added with a small smirk. "My turn to spin?" Everyone agreed and I let go off the bottle, it stopped spinning in front of James.

"When did you lose your virginity?" Tristan asked poking out his tongue.

"When I was 14." He announced embarrassed.

"To who?"

"That's two questions, I'm only allowed to answer one." He reported back smartly as he hand grasped hold of the bottle. Then it stopped on Rose who instantly sighed deeply.

"Do you like any boy more than just a friend? If so who is it?" Megan questioned biting down her lower lip as Rose's mouth formed a straight line.

"I think so." She quietly spoke, avoiding eye contact.

"That's a pathetic answer." Rachel spat out. "It's either a yes or a no?"

"Yes, then." Rose snapped. "But not saying who."

"Don't spoil the fun." Megan teased, however Rose didn't look impressed as her eyes stared coldly at mine.


Rose's POV

He sat there grinning, watching everyone tease me about my answer - not even once defending me. His arm wrapped securely around Rachel as she rested her head against his shoulders. The brown curls swept in front of his arms and his legs stretched out, seeming so happy and content with life. Whilst I was screaming and panic inside.

Yes, I did like him more than I thought I would ever. But it isn't love, someone like me could never love a boy like him. But it is more than a silly high school crush, there was meaning and emotions attached.

"Don't be a baby." Rachel continuously called trying to rattle me as she rubbed her face against Brad's.

"I answered one question." I sighed, feeling my tempter rise. "I'm only allowed to answer one question, like James did." Rachel was unable to reply which made me feel slightly pleased with myself.

"Right." Lucy coughed awkwardly, reaching out for the bottle.

"Rachel, it's you." Connor announced. "This should be fun considering you have a lot to say for yourself."

"Are you seeing or dating anyone?" Bailey chucked, Rachel firstly responded with rolling her eyes slowly to Brad who's face grew pale. "

"Yes, I am." She beamed proudly. "Brad and I are officially dating!"

"Rachel." Brad muttered as he placed his hand against his head. "I thought we was going to wait and-"

"Oh come on Brad, everyone know you've liked me for a long time." She spluttered with laughter, directing her eye contract with me. "Especially considering all the nights we spent together, just us two-"

"So, you two?" James repeated over and over, trying to get his thoughts around the situation.

"Rachel and I are dating." The seemed to echo in my brain causing my body to be spent into panic. I could feel my nerves race back and forth whilst I gritted my bottom lip, trying to contain a scream that wanted to burst.

"My mum text me." I gasped out which seemed to make everyone's head turn. "My mum text me saying she wants me home." I said breathlessly, raising to my feet.

"Leaving so soon?" Rachel asked sarcastically.

"I forgot I was babysitting-"

"But you said your mum was going out tonight with Char-" I stopped Megan mid sentence.

"Charley is ill, someone needs to babysit her." I lied, managing to leave the garage and quickly rush towards the front door.

"Rose, wait up!" I stopped and turned back around to see Brad running along behind. "Let me drive you, we can get to Charley quicker."

"I don't need you." I hiccuped, forcing back the tears. "My mum wouldn't approve."

"But Charley knows me." He reminded me of the day we spent together, when everything seemed to be going extremely well - the day where I first felt a connection but ignored it. "If you don't want me to go inside, I'll drop you off."

"I'm fine, thanks."

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