Chapter 12.

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Brad's POV

"She's fast asleep." Rose whispered, smiling to herself as she glanced at Charley who must of been exhausted from the day. "Do you think I should wake her up?"

"Don't do that, she'll be moody." I warned her wisely.

"I don't think I have enough physical strength to carry her upstairs, I may her to leave her down here." Rose said slightly panicky as she tried to think of alternatives.

"I'll be able to carry her." I insisted before I flexed my muscles obnoxiously with a smirk.

"Do you mind?" Rose questioned for reassurance. "Do you have to head back home? It's quite late."

"My parents won't care, they think I'm at Tristan's."

"And where does Tristan think you are?"

"Oh he doesn't know I used him as an excuse to come here." I shrugged my shoulders carelessly. "My parents won't even bother checking where I am anyway, so I could say anything."

"My mum is like that sometimes but then she can be seriously overprotect, there'a no in between." Rose said with a frown. "At the moment, she's too interested in a man to even bother about me."

"She still cares about you though." I reminded her as I lowered my body allowing my arms to rest underneath Charley's body and easily pick her up like she was weightless.

"Sometimes I question that." Rose sighed deeply. "She's going to sleep in my mums room, i'll show you the way." She informed me before walking out of the living room and up the stairs case.

Upstairs was four separate doors, the final door was the master bedroom. Rose, carefully pulled back the duvet allowing me to laid Charley back down softly and then cover her body up with the duvet.

"Do you mind if I head to bed now?" Rose questioned shyly as we tip toed across the creaky floorboards out of where Charley was sleeping.

"It's not problem." I shrugged my shoulders. "I'll collect my belongings and leave quietly." 

"Well, night then." She smiled before turning away and heading into a different room.


Rose's POV

The next day I woke up to the light streaming through the gap in my curtains. I stretched out my back muscles causing my limbs to crack suddenly. I could hear outside the faint sound of rain tapping against the window.

I sighed and got out of bed, deciding I should probably go downstairs and make Charley her breakfast despite not feeling hungry myself. As I slowly tip toed down the stairs, I could hear faint noises coming from the kitchen.

"See, I like jam and butter on my toast." I heard the familiar brummie accent admit truthfully.

"My daddy usually cuts them into soldiers for me." Another voice squealed in excitement. "Of if I've been really well behaved I'm allowed Nutella."

"What would you like this morning then?"


"Only, if you promise not to tell Rose that I allowed you Nutella for breakfast." He hushed quietly as I rushed across the hallway before erupting into the kitchen with a surprise.

"Is there any toast?" I chirped causing both of them to jump slightly at my entrance.

"You aren't suppose to know I'm having Nutella on my toast." Charley rambled causing Brad to smack his palm against his forehead playfully.

"You wasn't suppose to tell her that!" He said, trying to remain serious but couldn't help but laugh. "I hope you don't mind, but I slept downstairs last night. I forgot my keys and I didn't want to go bashing on the front door waking up my parents."

"It's fine." I reassured Brad, quite thankful that he stayed and managed to get Charley sorted which allowed me to have an extra hour in bed.

"Brad said we can go to the park!" Charley cheered excitedly, almost knocking her drink over.

"I can't recall me saying those words." Brad chuckled, rubbing his hand over her head. "Maybe, if we ask Rose nicely she'll let us."

"Please Rose, I've been extra good." She giggled childishly with a wide smile.

"The weather doesn't look too bad." Brad added seeming just as excited as Charley.

"Only for an hour as I'm not entirely sure when Liam and mum will be back." I reported causing both Charley and Brad to cheer in unisons with smiles on their faces. "Ready to go then?"

"Maybe you want to get changed first? Or is wearing your pyjamas out to the park a new trend now?" Brad playfully sniggered, I suddenly gasped and my hands flew to my eyes trying to conceal me from embarrassment.

"I forgot I was wearing this still." I whined. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise, you look cute!" He laughed. It was a nice laugh, one that I couldn't help but like the sound of.

"And how many girls have you said that compliment to?" I sniggered unattractively.

"Probably, all the girls in our entire year." I smirked as I shook my head disapprovingly.

"Apart from Megan." I reminded as his smile grew.

"What does she say to you about me, eh?"

"She warned me about you on my first day."  I chuckled remembering the day clearly. "She told me you were trouble and to stay away-"

"Clearly you ignored her." He snorted. "As I'm standing in your kitchen, arranging a trip to the park whilst you're in your pyjamas."

"Nothing out of the ordinary." I shrugged my shoulders before shuffling my feet along the floor and clambering up the stairs to get ready. Despite the sunny weather, there was still a glimpse of coldness in the air.

After a rapid shower, I mismatched an outfit together of a dark pair of skinny jeans, a white cropped top, khaki coloured bomber jacket and adidas superstar trainers.

"Ready roadman?" Brad playfully teased as him and Charley waited at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ready fuckboy?" I responded back causing Brad to frown as he opened the front door.A forceful gust of wind embraced the movement I stepped out of the front door, causing me to stumble slightly towards Brad who chuckled at my clumsy behaviour.

"That's karma for you." He said poking out his tongue whilst I grasped hold of Charley's hand to keep her safe.

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