Chapter 1.

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Brad's POV

"Fuck!" A voice muttered underneath their breath causing me to waken from my deep slumber of sleep. The sunlight streamed through the curtain cracks lightening up the dingy hotel room that I had booked for the night - and only that night.

Opening my eyes didn't seem like the right action as I was almost blinded by the sun and flashed backs from last nights events came into view, creating my lips to upturn into a smirk as I rolled my body over to face the frantic female attempting to button up her white but transparent school shirt.

"Leaving so soon?" I sniggered as Rachel rolled her eyes in annoyance at me. "Thought we could relive last night?"

"I have a boyfriend." She reported back to me, her eyes diverting to the floor. "And I love him very much."

"Clearly not enough, if you did love him as much as you claim to, then why isn't he in this double bed instead of me?" I asked rhetorically before I cracked into a roar of laughter, throwing back my head into the feathered pillows.

"Listen Brad." Rachel suddenly snapped as her temper rose. "Cian must never ever find out about last night, he must never ever find out about the nights before-"

"And he must never ever find out he wasn't the one you lost your virginity too." I mocked in a high pitched voice. "If my boyfriend was rambling around school about how he claimed my virginity, I would be slightly embarrassed."

"Leave Cian out of this." She paused. "It's only a little bit of fun, it's not hurting anyone anyway."

"If you say so." I said in a yawn as I continued to watch her aimlessly getting ready.

"Text me later." She demanded, flicking her hair over her shoulder and grasping hold of her belongings.

"Maybe, I might have a busy scheduled with other girls." I teased.

"You really do disgust me." She commented before slamming the hotel door shut, leaving me alone and isolated from the outside world.

The room was now silent and has an eerily feel. I squinted my eyes as I reached out my phone to see the time.


Shit, I was late. Again!

Quickly, my eyes scrolled through my contacts before landing on one of the most trustworthy people I know - Connor Ball.

"Brad?" His voice echoed. "Where the fuck are you?"

"Sorry man, I need you to cover me for first period."

"Are you running late?" He assumed.

"Yeah, had a late night last night with Rachel."

"You fucked her again, didn't you?" He questioned curiously with slight proudness in his tone.

"You can say that." I spluttered with laughter.

"I seriously don't know how you do it, Simpson." He chucked. "And more importantly, I don't understand why she gets with you when she has a boyfriend-"

"Must be magic." I laughed. "So will you cover for me?"

"I have no other option, do I?"

"Great, I'll see you in a hour."


Rose's POV

"Rose, hurry up." My mums voice echoed frantically throughout the house.

"I'm nearly ready." I lied through gritted teeth before letting out of scream of desperation as I attempted to brush through the tangles of my hair without success.

Today was my first day at my new school, and I guess I wanted to look perfect; I wanted people to look at me because I looked nice, not because I was the new girl with no friends siting in the corner alone.

I finally found the uniform that was I forced I wear, a plaid skirt with an elbow length white shirt tucked in and knee high socks. I quickly tied my tie loosely around my neck and winced when I saw the school colours - burgundy and black.

"Rose, we need to go now or we'll be late for the meeting!" My mum yelled once again, this time with a hint of frustration in her voice, I let out another shriek of panic as I slipped my feet into my black converse.

"I'm coming!" I reassured her, rushing down the staircase and out the front door, forgetting about the idea of having a healthy breakfast to start my day.

"Excited?" She chuckled whilst I opened the passenger door and settled myself in.

"Is that sarcastic?" I answered back with another question.

"Nope!" She responded shaking her head as the engine began to roar. "Thought you would be as its a new start, new adventure-"

"You know how I feel about leaving London." I stated bluntly. "Life seemed to be getting back on tracks, then suddenly you decide we need a change-"

"Can't you accept this new adventure in Birmingham?" She questioned, pouting her bottom lip as I took a large sigh. "You know that this promotion at work means a lot to me, I've always supported what you wanted to do-"

It seemed like something that only happened in movies. A parent was offered a promotion that they couldn't refuse meaning the whole family has to pack up and leave their lives behind.

"I'll try." I lied uneasily which caused her smile to grow larger with relief. Soon enough, we arrived at a large school building, flooded with hundreds of students. With slight confusion, we found our way to the head teacher's office and sat patiently waiting to be called.

"You'll enjoy yourself, I know you will." My mum whispered. "And you'll thank me for moving is here."

"I'm not too sure about that." I admitted truthfully.

"Rose Barnes."

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