Chapter 8.

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Rose's POV

"Having physical education last is a blessing." Megan admitted truthfully as she inspected her appearance in the mirror.

"You like running around a muddy filed?" I questioned in disgust.

"Certainly not." She chuckled with laughter. "I always bunk this lesson and head home or go to this American diner in town, if you want to go there."

"I'll give it a try." I nodded in agreement as the sudden thought of food made my stomach churn.

"I'll see if you James wants to come, I would invite the girls but Rachel has recently started to get on my nerves. She ranted quietly as she tapped her fingers against her phone screen.

"I think she isn't too keen on me." I said through gritted teeth. "I don't really know what I've done to offend her."

"She's usually like that with people at first, you'll get used to it." She reassured me with a smile as her phone beeped. "James is coming, and he's being his whole gang." She announced, sighing the last part of the sentence.

"So, we're going dressed in this?" I wondered glancing down at not the most flattering sports kit.

"It's decent." She shrugged her shoulders adjusting the white polo top. "It's not like you're trying to impress any of the boys, are you?"

"No." I nervously laughed, throwing the straps of my bag over my shoulder.

"Good, and it really doesn't matter they're bunking their lesson too."

"I guess so." I said finally coming to agreement following Megan out of the toilets. It was a lot easier than it seemed to walk out of the school gates without questioned and soon enough we reached the high street where there was four familiar figures on the distance.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Tristan shouted as we approached them slowly.

"Aren't you?" Megan replied back with a smirk across her face. "It's worth missing school for, it's Rose's first time at the diner."

"Brad, I'm sure you can help you Rose." James announced with a large smile as he placed his  hand on my upper back giving me a slight push so I would stumble towards Brad.

"I'm pretty sure I can order food from a menu." I said in a small voice to Brad who laughed to himself.

"James can be a bit of a twat sometimes." Connor added in a small voice, obviously hearing my comment from before. We walked along the high street until we reached the corner, where there was large American style diner. Inside, it reminded me of exactly America movie with the red leather booths, duke box and waitresses wearing roller skates.

We located a corner booth and all cramped inside with just enough space to breath and were handed out individual menus to order.


Brad's POV

Although, I loved the odd game of football. The lesson physical education didn't appeal to me, thankfully the boys and I decided to skip the class and head straight towards the high street to go and get food with Megan and Rose.

"That was delicious." Connor burped innocently with a smirk as he placed his cutlery down on his empty plate.

"It was." I added noticing that my stomach was full. "Now we definitely need a run across a muddy field."

"I'm sure you do enough exercise, Bradley." Tristan comment wriggling his eyebrows together, however I ignored his remark and looked over to Rose who was sat on my right and smiled to see that she was looking straight back at me.

"I think you're right." She giggled quietly as he hands rested against her hips.

"You should of invite the rest of girl group along, I would of loved to seen Bailey." Tristan teased smugly as he knew that Bailey had a crush on him.

"I still think she's silly having a crush on you." Megan admitted with a smirk as she watched Tristan's face drop. "And we all know you like her equally as much back."

"Megan is right." Connor added angelically. "It always starts of with a bit of teasing then suddenly you both like each other."

"You aren't exactly the best one to tell relationship advice, Con." Tristan sighed deeply rolling his eyes. "I know my feelings-"

"You like her." James commented. "Just like the way, Brad likes Rachel."

"I thought you two weren't a thing?" Megan suddenly questioned due to James's remark.

"We aren't." I shook my head forcefully before looking over towards Rose who now was picking at the her nails instead of being involved in the converstation. "She obsessed with me."

"I told you not to fuck her." James shrugged pouting his bottom lip.

"We all know the reason why her did-" Connor blurted out.

"What's the reason?" Megan laughed cluelessly as us four boys exchanged worried looks.

"It doesn't matter." James said attempting to avoid her question.

"I want to know." She said biting her lower lip. "C'mon one of you tell me."

"I think it's time we left." I announced, slighting pushing Connor to move out of the booth.

"That's a good idea, my mum is probably back from work and wondering where I am." Rose spoke up, following my lead.

"I might stay here for a desert." James hummed looking at Megan, then Tristan and Connor.

"You two go, we're staying." Tristan nodded.

"Alright then." I shrugged my shoulders simply before walking out of the diner onto the streets with Rose a few steps behind. "Are you heading straight home?"

"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to my mums rant about missing last lesson to go out to eat." She giggled quietly however worry filled her eyes.

"She doesn't need to know that detail." I suggested wisely. "I'll walk you home considering I know where you live." I winked cheekily which caused Rose to erupt with laughter.

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