Chapter 10.

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Brad's POV

From Rose,

Sorry, I'm babysitting my mums male friend daughter all weekend ): xx

Repeatedly, my eyes scammed over the message which seemed to dampen my mood.

"Brad, £20 please." A muffled voice asked, however I ignored it and continued to remain focused on the small screen before a hand came into contact with my cheek.

"Fuck." I groaned, reacting to the action that came from Connor who was now smirking with his hand extended out towards me.

"Hand over the cash." He said smugly.

"Why?" I asked utterly clueless diverting my eyes around to James and Tristan who just stared at me blankly.

"Haven't you been listening?" James sighed deeply as he shoved his hands into his trouser pocket revealing a crisp £20 note. I shook my head in shame causing them all to erupt in groans.

"Connor won his bet, he slept with the red haired girl in the year above." Tristan informed me.

"And now you'll owe me £20." Connor snarled with excitement as he snatched the money from both Tristan and James's hands. "And what about you Simpson?"

"Here!" I grunted finding the spare cash, throwing it in his direction before glancing back down at my device.

"Thanks, but why the bad mood?" Connor instantly questioned.

"Probably because Brad isn't wining this bet for once." Tristan laughed carelessly, throwing his head back and allowing his hair to cover his eyes. "Am I right?"

"No." I snapped moodily. "I'm not in a bad mood."

"You clearly are." James sighed deeply as he frowned in my direction. "You weren't like this last night so has something happened?"

"Nothing has happened." I announced firmly.

"Exactly that's why he's in a bad mood." Connor sniggered, however his smirk seemed to disappear as I glared at him with sad eyes.

"I've tried with her." I finally admitted which caused all three boys to gasp suddenly in amazement. "Small things at first but even suggesting time to hang out together, she denies."

"At the end of the day Brad it's only a bet." Tristan said comforting me. "We can always pick another girl for you-"

"Or we raise the bet money?" James interrupted with his eyebrows raised.

"I don't want to do this anyone-"

"Oh come on Bradley!" He laughed without a care in the world. "It's just a bit of fun, what harm can it possibly do?"

"And why give up now?" Connor added in agreement with James.

"I guess so."


Rose's POV

"I can't believe you two bunked physical education to go to the diner with Tristan." Bailey shrieked, her blue she's expanding to the size of saucers.

"Bailey!" Megan hissed warningly, she paused to glance around the English classroom; it seemed everyone was too involved in the lesson to pay any attention to Bailey's shrieks. "Keep your voice down, please!"

"But still-"

"I don't blame you two, free dinner or run around a field hundred times." Lucy giggled quietly.

"So what did you even talk about?" Rachel asked lowly. "Probably just Megan and James trying to involve everyone."

"No actually." Megan smirked in my direction. "We spent the time teasing Brad, didn't we Rose?" I couldn't help but laugh at her question, remembering that moment perfectly well which seemed Rachel to frown.

"Was it like triple dates?" Bailey suddenly gasped again, throwing her hands to her month. "Rose, did Brad kiss you? He seems like the kind of boy who would kiss a girl on a first date-"

"It was not a date." Megan interrupted heatedly.

"I'm just friends with him." I said before I smiled smugly at Rachel.

"Well, Brad is friends with practically everyone in this school." Rachel interrupted rudely as jealously crept over her. "He's a popular guy, if you didn't know already-"

"Are you jealous Rachel?" Megan suddenly questioned, twisting her hair around her finger as she studied Rachel's face.

"Of Rose and her fantasy friendship with Brad? Never." She snarled quietly, however I just shook off her comment with a small smile.

"Don't listen to her." Megan calmly whispered in my eye discreetly.

"Actually, he invited me to hang out with him tomorrow." I suddenly found the confidence to admit to the circle of girls.

"And are you?" Lucy squealed grasping hold of my hand. "Where are you going? In the morning or the afternoon? Is it a date? Or is it causal? Are you meeting his parents-" she rambled on asking continuous questions without allowing me time to answer.

"I'm not going to hang out with him."

"That's my girl, he's too much trouble and can cause too much damage." Megan said with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm babysitting all weekend so I couldn't even if I wanted to." I shrugged my shoulders simply with a small smile.

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