Chapter 20.

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Rose's POV

"And Brad said we'll go out for a formal date for a really fancy dinner." Rachel exclaimed as we strolled out of the school building in a group huddle. "No like any of the places Cian took me, I think I'm the girl for Brad-"

"He has been acting differently," Bailey added in agreement, smiling at the rest of us.

"Connor is sweet too." Lucky admitted quietly, her cheeks growing a pinkish colour. "We exchanged numbers at the party-"

"Hey, we could all go on a group date with the boys." Rachel laughed ridiculously. "Megan and James, Lucy and Connor, Bailey and Tristan, myself and Brad, and-" she paused looking at me whilst a smirked grow. "Sorry Rose, there isn't enough for all of us."

"I don't need a boy in my life." I stated strongly. "They make everything hundred times more complicated, I'm fine without."

"You can be a crazy cat lady instead!" She laughed sarcastically, nudging my shoulder. "I'll have to text Brad about our group plan, him and the boys would love it-"

"I'm sure he would, an evening with you." I muttered underneath my breath, thankfully quiet enough for Rachel not to hear.

"I'll see you girls tomorrow then." Megan said breaking the silence that had appeared. "I hope you mind me walking home with James instead of you Rose-"

"It's fine, honestly!" I said in a reassuring tone before we all wandered off in our separations. Instead of walking the familiar way home, I decided to take the scenic route through the park where Brad and I took Charley.

With my earphones plugged in, blocking out the world with the lyrics from Shawn Mendes,  I strolled through the practically empty greenery area. Despite, it being late November the sun attempted to sneak through the enclosing clouds. The bitter wind rushed through my hair, tingling my skin. As my feet crunched against the leaves, it felt like I had company. Stopping in my footsteps, my eyes diverted around the silent park to my surprise I saw a figure.

His head turned in my direction and I turned my head in his. For a moment we stood there, my eyes locked on his brown eyes.

"Alright?" Brad smiled widely as he began to jogged towards me.

"Fine." I sighed clutching harder into my folder as I began to proceed walking again.

"I never really know if you're actually alright when you respond with fine-" Brad admitted with a cornered smile.

"I'm exhausted." I lied shrugging my shoulders. "You wouldn't know how I feel as you never seemed to be doing any work."

"Ouch!" Brad shouted dramatically, placing his hands against his chest. "That really affected me."

"I'm sure it did!" I rolled my eyes playfully, not able to hide the smile forming on my cheeks.

"How's things going with Rachel?" He questioned whilst laughing.

"I don't know what I do to annoy her so much." I groaned, running my hand through my hair.

"She's alright once you get to know her properly." Brad announced surprisingly.

"I hope you two enjoy your fancy dinner date." I smirked as Brad furrowed his eyebrows.

"Is that where she thinks I'm taking her?" He sighed exaggeratedly. "I mentioned maybe hanging out but no words about a meal-"

"That's what she's been stated." I said as I began to giggle quietly to myself.

"Better step up my ideas." Brad sighed stressfully. "If a boy was going to take you on a date, where would you like him to take you?"

"Why are you asking me this?" I questioned as my laughter began to die down.

"I need an idea where to take Rachel when we organise a time for our date-"

"Oh." I responded back bluntly. "Back in London, when it was December we used to go to winter wonderland."

"I think they have something similar here in Birmingham." Brad said hopefully. "But I don't think Rachel is into those sort of things."

"Maybe take her out for a meal then." I sighed hopelessly as we wandered down the street. "That's obviously what she wants, and she clearly gets whatever she wants." I stated, speaking the last part quietly.


Brad's POV

"And she clearly gets whatever she wants." Rose stated with slight tone of annoyance in her voice. I decided to ignore her comment and not question her outburst.

"I'm not really good at these things." I laughed helplessly, fidgeting with my hands which seemed to cause Rose to roll her eyes.

"Clearly you are, considering you've slept with the majority of the year."

"It's different this time." I lied, smiling slightly at Rose as her smile seemed to disappear.

"I guess it's time to go." Rose suddenly murmured, standing outside her front door. "Text me your ideas for your date and I'll help you, if you really want to make it work with her."

"Would you really?"

"That's what friends do." She said, almost in a whisper.

"Thank you!" I faked a smile as I watched her twist the key in the hole, unlocking the latch. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye." She reported back as I began the journey home. "Wait, Brad-"

"Yeah?" I called back, turning around to face Rose who was leaning against the door frame.

"Rachel did mention she wants to go on a date with all the girls and all your boys."


"Yes really." She smiled smugly.

"Will you be joining us then?" I gasped.

"I'm not as lucky as you to fall in love." She said, before closing the front door which created a smirk on my face.

To Tristan,

Think my jealously plan is working (;

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