Chapter 32.

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Rose's POV

From Megan,

James is going to speak to him Xx

I instantly smiled at the message, my mouth aching slightly from the position. I typed my reply quickly despite fearing that I might wake her up due to it being 00:45.

To Megan,

You're the greatest friend anyone could ever have, sleep well x.

I was surprised when I heard a reply almost instantly, knowing how much Megan loved to sleep - guess I wasn't the only one who couldn't be their thoughts to bed tonight. However, my eyes widened to see it was not from Megan but Brad.

From Brad,

How was yours and Megan's meeting in the toilets? Hope you talked about me (; X

I re-read the message multiple times as tension in my body increased. Had he already spoken to James? What did he say? What did Megan say?

To Brad,

How did you know about that then? It was good, talking about girly things so sorry mate X

With a shaky sigh, I sent the message praying he wouldn't response back until the morning. However, I was wrong..

From Brad,

What a shame ): saw Megan this morning and I asked her where was you as I need to speak to you X

My fingers flew over the keyboard composing another message.

To Brad,

About what? And why are we texting at almost one o'clock in the morning x

And without a doubt he replied instantly.

From Brad,

If you wanted to go on adventure, and you know what tumblr says about late night talking (;

I couldn't help but smile as I typed a final response before falling asleep.

To Brad,

If that was an offer, then yes I would love to go on adventure tomorrow with you. Of course, we are goals #ultimategoals x


Brad's POV

To Rose,

You did not just use an hashtag, awkward ;)

"Are you even listening to me?" A pice questioned causing me to tense as I sent a reply back to a message from Rose I received early this morning.

"Yeah." I coughed, looking over at James who was leaning against the wall and strumming a few chords on guitar. "Why are you here again? Especially at 9o'clock in the morning."

"If you were listening for the last five minutes you would know why." He said, rolling his eyes slowly. "I needed to speak to you urgently."

"You couldn't have text me or called instead?" I questioned curiously. "I haven't really got the time right now, I need to leave before 10."

"Going anywhere nice?"

"None of your business." I smirked subtly.

"Who with?" He reposed back. "A girl?"

"Maybe." I chucked mischievously. "Are you jealous?

"No." He replied bluntly. "I'm going out with Megan later that's why I need to speak to you now, I promised her-"

"You want to speak to me about Megan?" I asked unsurely. "I don't know I'm the best one out of us boys to ask for relationship advice."

"It's not about myself and Megan, it's about yourself and Rose." He sighed deeply. "I think maybe Megan has caught on you're playing with Rose's head and now she's worried that you'll end up breaking her heart."

"It's only a bit of fun." I answered back with a small smile.

"Not if it's going to end up hurting someone." He stated. "I didn't what to say this infront of James and Connor but I honestly believe it's gone too far now."

"Nobody ever seems to consider my feelings in this." I blurted out before running my hand stressfully through my curls. "I like Rose."

"And so do I, she's a nice girl and my girlfriends friend." James interrupted by rambling again. "That's why I think you need to end this before-"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Rose and I are really good friends, I don't want to spoil that friendship but ended the bet."

"The bet will ruin the friendship!" James said through gritted teeth.

"It won't."

"The amount of times you've slept with a girl then left her, not even exchanging one word with her every again."

"It's different this time."

"And whys that?"

"Because I really do like her."

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