Chapter 14.

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Brad's POV

"You better be paying." Tristan scoffed loudly as we approached the restaurant where the familiar red, green and white flag hanged out of the oval shaped window.

"Whatever." I said as I ran my hand through my curls carelessly. "You better stop moaning before we step inside." I warned him like a parent would to a child.

"Why did we even choose to come here?" Connor asked joining in unison with Tristan's moaning. "This place is expensive."

"Connor is right Brad." James added wisely.

"How are you going to afford the meal? You haven't been wining any bets recently."

"He's been working extremely hard." James smirked, however I decided to ignore his comment and lead the group into the restaurant.

"Table for four." I explained to the waitress who simply nodded her head and gathered four menus in her arms, before leading us to an empty table. We settled down and she handed out our menus whilst Connor attempted to flirt with her.

"I'll get someone else over to order your drinks and food in a minute." She explained quickly before swiftly walking over.

"Con, you definitely scared her away." Tristan moaned rolling his eyes slowly, before he began concentrating on the menu. Ten minutes had past which caused the boys and I to begin to get impatient waiting for our order to taken.

"That waiter has been at the family's table for ages now." Connor whined as James and Tristans head both turned to the direction where Connor was looking.

"Hey, isn't that Rose?" Tristan asked curiously as James smirked.

"Now we all know the reason why Brad wanted to come here!" Sighing, I squinted to make out the girl in the distance, taking a double take when they notice me was indeed Rose.

"Go and say hi Brad." Connor pressured me childishly. "Meet the family!"

"I'm fine-" I said showing a small smile. "I will later."

"He's too shy." Tristan cooed in a high pitched voice. "That waiter might get in there before you." He said which caused me to look over in Rose's direction again to see her laughing with a rather tall waitress who had placed his hand over hers. I groaned at the sight, burying my head in hands.

"What's wrong Brad?" I heard James snigger. "Feeling heartbroken that you still haven't won the bet?"

"The clock is ticking, you've spent too much time trying to get Rose into your bed."

"I'm not giving up." I growled.

"Wait isn't he Rachel's brother?" Tristans brain suddenly clicked.

"Mmh." I grunted, knowing that myself and Rachel's brother, Stewart, didn't practical get along.

"Look, your mate is coming over." Tristan whispered in a small voice. "Might want to warn him off Rose-"

"May I take your order lads?" The waitor who had been at Rose's table now asked us.

"We'll have two large pizzas and four cokes please." James informed the waiter. "He's paying." I said indicating over to me. The waiter nodded scribbling down the notes before walking away. Shortly, afterwards he returned back handing is our individual drinks.

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