Chapter 33- Roaring Waters

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Garroth's POV
I reach the ship and quickly jump on. Everything is the same except everyone has, on top of a panicked look, a look of confusion.

I place the pale Aphmau on the deck, my tears falling straight into her face. I slowly feel myself shrinking and holding on tight to Aphmau. Keep fighting, Aphmau. Wait till we see Zoey.

I stay in this position, locking out any surrounding sounds and movements. I feel myself being moved as I start to bawl even more, scared to be separated from Aphmau. I feel our bodies connecting again as I hold onto her like a small stuffed animal.

My top priority is to make sure she lives to see Zoey who can heal her. My eyes become heavy, paralyzed next to Aphmau's lifeless body. My brain decides I need to sleep as I drift into a world of darkness.
Katelyn's POV
I fight as hard as my heart can bare until Zane holds the Jury Remover, a gem that would officially remove my Jury title.

"WElL IM LEFT WITH THE HOTHEAD. ITS A SHAME I HAVE TO MAKE YOU POWERLESS." Zane's deep voice responds, his sword pressing hard against my fiery claws. He single handedly hold me back and takes out the Remover, holding it to my eye. The swirl of colors enters my brain as I feel myself falling and shrinking.

"N-No." I stutter, noticing my position and sudden voice change. "W-Why Zane. W-w-WHY?" I yell. He snickers at my pathetic plead.

"OH LITTLE KATELYN. IT'S TRULY A SHAME JEFFORY AND YOUR BROTHER'S ARE DEA--" Zane starts as my anger bubbles until I cannot hold back, Jury form or not.

I jump up as I am about to spike a volleyball, my fists burning with passion. The miniature swords slash his cheek, black blood running down his charcoal skin. He slowly falls as the claws dug deep. I make a quick escape, careful to clean the weapons off as I go, dragging them on the green grass.

I approach the boat to see no one. Everyone must be inside... I think, scrambling to board the ship.

I make a scene and open the door to the Captain's quarters to see a displeasing sight.

A sweaty Garroth is sprawled across Aphmau, his arms wrapped tightly around Aphmau. He whispers something under his breath, but I immediately ignore it. My eyes are locked on Aphmau.

Her skin is a sickly green, her eyes locked shut. Her breathing is unsteady, if is even is there. My eyes become glossy, swelling with tears. A couple of Garroth's salty tears fall onto her cheeks, her face not flinching an inch.

I try not to make any noise but I do the opposite. I begin to cry, and I cry harder than I have ever before. I storm out of the room and slam the door shut to see Laina, Lucinda and the kids huddled in a corner. I ignore their presence and see Laurance looking at me, fear on his eyes.

His cheeks are damp too; his first love being ripped apart and his brother in an uneasy state.

I begin scream into the air. I scream for Zane.

I scream for Laurance. Heck, I scream for my dead family. But you know what I'm truly yelling for? The lord. The best friend. The mother. The dying beauty, known as Aphmau.
Laurance's POV
I stare out into the ocean, every so often glancing at the directions written and sent by Zoey. The occasional tear drops onto the deck, a constant reminder that I worry. I worry for everyone back at home, both Phoenix Drop and Meteli. I worry about Kate, my love and her desire to push Garroth away and help Aphmau in any possible way she could. I worry the most about Garroth and Aphmau, both of their states are worrying me to the point of death.

They are my best friends, I don't know what I would do without them. My lord, who I am loyal to and is always kind and loving back. Then my brother. His smile brighten the room, even though he has always been introverted and slightly conceited recently.

It's just... hurts to see them in so much pain. Garroth has dried out all of his tears, his wailing from below me is a constant reminder that Aphmau is half dead half asleep. She is unresponsive, paralyzed in time and space. In a sort of coma or daze that cannot be broken, even with yelling, poking and vigorously shaking from all of us here.

It's been almost a day since we left and their has been no response. Her pulse is unsteady but at least she is slowly gripping onto life. Her eyes stay closed, her mouth clenched shut tightly. No matter what Garroth, Katelyn, Laina... Even Lucinda with magicks, and myself do, nothing has changed. The pale skin has not regained color, life, energy. Her caramel eyes do not flicker open. Her joints are not moving from her position. On top of it, Garroth refuses to say a word, eat or drink anything. Once we had all tried and failed, he hasn't moved from his spot next to Aphmau.

It's traumatizing, all of it, hence why I took the ships wheel. To blur out the thoughts. Katelyn has retreated to staying downstairs, her motion sickness slowly bubbling in her stomach. Lucinda and her apprentice are on the lowest deck of the two, probably blocking out any bad thoughts from the past 20 hours.

Marie and Travis are the brightest of the bunch, not having as big of an impact as all of us. They are still down, but occasionally come into the deck to play games. It's fun to watch, Marie with her piercing green eyes and brown locks, smiling to her son, a copy of her but with silver and white tuffs of hair.

It's cute, but not enough. Not enough to loose my train of thought. Not enough to take my focus off of the water. Not enough to block out Garroth's weeping from under my feet. Not enough.

My gaze returns to an object, slowly approaching ahead. As we grow nearer, it seems to be a small island, less than 20 blocks by 20 blocks, covered in think branches and tall trees. I examine the notes with precaution to see what it may say.

"Follow all of the tree islands and you will be here"

I begin to look around for more small islands. Are we a day early? How many tree islands? Where is it?

I continue to see more an more sandy beaches covered with tropical vegetation, bushes and trees. I stay on the path. The path to recovery. The path to Zoey.

And most importantly, the path to saving Aphmau.

Cheesy, I know. It will get better, only two more chapters till Book one is complete :). Just a quick lil update- The_Phoenix_Alliance has FINALLY kicked off! Please check it out and give it a follow, vote and read da stuff we write (and give it some luv) :3

Love ya! ~Riri :)

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