Chapter 29- One Year

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Garroth's POV

I walk back home to be greeted by a shining star named Aphmau.

Her grin is easily noticeable from down the slight hill and her expression reads anticipation. I smile back and quicken my pace.

"My Queen." I greet her with a kiss. Her breath smells like mint and chocolate.

"Hehe. Good afternoon- or night I guess." She says.

"I can tell you have something to tell me?" I question her. She smirks and tilts onto her toes, elevating her heels.

"How did ya guess?" She stampers.

"Lucky guess." I respond with a smile. "Well, get on with it...."

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry.... I talked to Malachi and Levin today and I have made the decision to sail down there in two weeks. I'm going to call them about details and directions but.... I'm so excited to see my little boys... I miss them." She laugh-cries into my chest.

"I know. Everyone does but now we can visit them! I'm so happy to see little Levin and Malachi. Are they planning to sail back alongside us?" I ask with anticipation.

"Yes but not everyone..." Her expression changes drastically. "Molly and Dale..." She starts crying, and in the non-happy way. She sniffs and dries her tears and continues. "Are staying. In the forest."

I gasp, shocked that Molly and Dale would do such a drastic thing. I continue to pay her on the back until she finishes with her sobs.

"I'm sorry." Is all I can manage out at this point.

She nods as we slowly walk in. I hold onto her hip as always as she leans her beautiful face into my chest. I brush her hair in straight lines an open the door. We walk inside and continue speaking about our plans to meet up with everyone.

I eventually notice it is dinner time. I was going to make rainbow curry but Aphmau requested tacos. It's kinda weird since she doesn't exactly "enjoy" them but I make them anyway.

We devour our few tacos each as we finish at the same time. I wash the dishes as Aphmau decides to take a quick shower.

I arrive upstairs to a 'pajama'fied Aphmau. I quickly change as she becomes comfortable in bed.

I slide in next to her and cradle her as always, careful not to hit her scar given by someone from O'khasis when we had that fight a while back...

It's actually been on my mind recently. Since the whole "Zane-love" thing about four months ago, we haven't talked. No letters. No inspections. No nothing.

It makes me scared for the village and most importantly, Aphmau. I don't want her to come back from our trip to a destroyed village. I guess I'll just have to add another communication amulet to our three we already have; to Zoey and everyone, to Aphmau and to Laurance.

"Garroth?" I hear a sleepy Aphmau mumble.

"Yes my Queen?" I respond.

"Once everyone gets back, what are we going to do? Zane will definitely find out and target is in some way...." Her voice has an edge to it.

"Shhh... Don't worry. We will be fine. You said Laurance and Katelyn will stay and I trust them. No worries." I whisper. "Just let yourself drift to sleep."

Within a few minutes, I hear the steady breathing I love. I smile in the dark and slowly drift away as well.

I wake up to the smell on pancakes, my favorite.

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