Chapter 22- Pain

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Garroth's POV
I wake up and look around. Where am I?

I look until I notice. Oh yeah. I'm in the treehouse cause of---

I think of last night and slowly and wishing I didn't wake up. I get off the wood that supported me and look in the tiny mirror on the wall. My eyes puffy from crying myself to sleep. Black circles indicating I couldn't sleep. Blistered fists from punching the walls and dusty toys in the tree that we all played with. We all. Aphmau, Malachi, Levin and I. We will never be an 'all' again...

I decide it is best not to slouch around. I have made it my plan to do many things today and some future goals.

1) Avoid Aph
2) Avoid Aaron
3) Tell everyone what I saw
4) Eventually, get revenge

I feel anger bubbling inside of me but I put it aside as I know I would have turned into my form. I have on my armor, though it is tattered with sweat, cuts and dirty spots from running last night.

I still feel boggled that Aphmau would cheat on me. She doesn't seem like to person to do that yet I saw it play out. She did kiss him back. I ignore it and run as quickly as possible over to the guard tower. I find out no one is there and I rapidly put on my old, cadged helmet as it is the only thing to comfort me from the sight of others.

I walk throughout the village, trying my best to fight back tears. Whenever someone mentions Aaron or Aphmau, I get mad, making me think of Aphmau and how she comforts me, making me sad yet again. It's a chain reaction of emotions I cannot contain forever.

I snap out of my thoughts where I am greeted by Laurance. I motion him to come toward me as he slowly inches toward me.

"Um... Yes?" He says.

"I need to speak with you. ASAP. We need to find a place to talk where no one will disturb or find us." I say. "Here. Let's go to Kiki's farm as it is temporarily unavailable to anyone."

He gives me a nod of approval but keeps a questionable look on his face.
Luckily on our way we don't bump into anyone. I go up the ladder leading to Kiki's room. She won't mind, will she? Nah, she is too nice for that. We sit in the corner.

I take off my helmet to reveal my saddened, teary face. He at first looks shocked but then I talk. I tell him everything that happened, every little detail letting my emotions run wild. I cry, burn up, blush, turn into my form for one second and look downward.

"Wow buddy." He says after a long silence. "It's okay bro. I'll help you through this. Now, certainly Aph wouldn't do that to you, she loves you way too much."

"Why are you on her side? She broke my heart into a million pieces. I don't think I can forgive her anytime soon..." I say, sullen.

"Hey. Just... Try to avoid her. And Aaron. If they have an affair, I will help you with whatever. If nothing happens between them, then we know it's not a thing. Okay?" He says.

"Okay." I respond. (TFIOS REFERENCE XD)

"Me and Katelyn will check for anything suspicious. You retire for a little bit. Chill." He says, heading for the ladder. "If you get the guts, talk to someone else. Bye Bro." He goes down the ladder as I hear his footsteps leave into the distance.

???'s POV
I heard it. I heard everything. I need to apologize. I need to stop the pain I've caused.

Laurance's POV (told u)
I go out of that miserable barn, dark and dusty since Zoey and then haven't gotten back yet. It seems to be taking forever but they can take their time...

I run into Katelyn.

"Hey" we say in unison as we peck each other's lips (Latelyn <3).

"I need to tell you something." I say.

"Same. You go first." She says. I do like Katelyn's voice, it's sweet and kinda stuffy but in a cute way.

"Well..." I say, going on to explain everything as she listens, making different faces and her "thinking" face. Once I finish, she nods.

"Heh. It's funny cause I came to tell you what Aphmau said." She smiles, but frowns. "I just don't want them to break up. Aaron is cool and all but if he broke their hearts, I will punch him."

"Same. I love both of them too much to see them both in pain." I say.

"Yeah well at least let me tell you Aph's side of the story." She says. She says she was going  to visit her house when she heard sobbing and went to her room to see her balling her eyes out. She goes on to say Aaron made the first move, and Aphmau regretted it bad. She talked about Garroth and stuff saying it made Aph heartbroken. She also adds something about a promise ring, which Garroth didn't add.

"Oh." Is all I have to say. "We need to get them back together." I say.

"But how on earth are we going to do that?" Katelyn questions.

"We have time. Just meet back here tomorrow to discuss any ideas. In the meantime, if anyone asks if they've seen Garroth or Aph say they are both sick for now. Talk to you later Kate." I say kissing her cheek.

"Bye Laur." She smiles and walk off.

Aphmau's POV
I feel like falling into a whole and Zane being their to kill me. I hate my life right now. All I want to do is get back together with Garroth and see my boys but now everything is off track. Garroth and I broke up I think, Zoey said the ship needs repairing for Irene knows what and my boys are going up by the minute.

I feel as if my life is demolished into a trillion pieces. I feel awful. Once I recover from this stay-at-home-and-cry week, I am going to have to talk to Aaron. He made all of this happen. I really just want to kick him out of the village but that wouldn't be the best thing to do.

Whatever, I sit under a million tissue and soft back to sleep, covered in a pool of tears and crushed dreams.

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