Chapter 2- The Search

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~Garroths' POV Still~

I wake up from my long sleep. Great, only two hours of sleep, I will be SO awake. I think sarcastically. I can hear Dante's snoring from my sleeping corridor but not Laurance's loud, obnoxious breathing. I guess he is downstairs or something... 

I go down the ladder when I smell a delightful scent. It is sweet and cinnamon-y, like my cook's in O'khasis' cookies. I notice that Aphmau is cooking in the little kitchen, with her purple backpack in the corner, looking as if packed to the brim with supplies... but mainly food. I don't see Laurance around, so I decide to confront Aphmau the first time since yesterday. I haven't built up the courage but I have slightly, but not fully, gotten over this "Laurmau" thing.

"Um... Good morning, Lady Aphmau" I say hesitantly as she jumps, as if being scared to death. "What are you doing here so early? I thought we agreed on noon..." I start as she cuts me off.

"Oh my Irene! You scared me!! Anyway, Ya, that's what we agreed on but as always lately, I had trouble sleeping. So, I decided to cook you all breakfast for all of the hard work we have been through lately, especially with you bouncing back from your illness." Aphmau says, with a smile that brightens the room with no light. "Also, Raven came back saying may have left by ship, though he has not seen an O'khasis one in the river yet. But for the most part, there is no trace of where they went. He just headed off to go search again".

"You didn't need to make breakfast you know, M'lady. Thanks for letting me know about Raven too. I should go get changed..." Just as I said that, a mysterious person, a man, walks in. I immediately pull out my sword from the rack on the wall as he has a mask on, which is no good news to me. He draws a long, sharpened purple blade out and they clash together with a loud clang. 

"GARROTH AND....YOU!!" Aphmau yells at the top of her lungs. We both face her, dropping our swords.

Dante rushes down the ladder in a panic. "WWW-Whats wrong?" he asks looking puzzled. He can tell we both do not know this mystery man but can both tell he knows Aphmau and she know him.

Aphmau starts calmly, "Garroth, thank you for being super alert, even after this mysterious sickness has washed over you" She says. "But, since this dumb little war is over, I would like you to meet, this guy" she says, awkwardly pointing to him.

"What's your name?" Dante adds.

"I don't believe in sharing personal information." He says. Wow... he has a muscular voice... "Just feel free to address me as such. I don't mind all the 'yous', 'misters' and 'sirs'." he says smirking a small grin.

"Well, um, nice to meet you." I offer my hand and we shake on it. "My name is Garroth, head guard. I wasn't hot... lately so sorry for not getting to know you. Any friend of Lady Aphmau is a friend of mine."

He nods slightly. 

"Ditto. Let me know if you need anything" says Dante. He does not shake on it but he does nod is a sort of approval way. 

The man heads out saying that he is going back to his camp, which is apparently on the beach. 

"That was him, I guess" Says Aphmau, giggling a little. Dante and I head up to get dressed as Aphmau continues breakfast. Still no sign of Laurance... wonder where he is I think. I decide to let it go, he can take care of himself, especially since his sword is missing, meaning he left with it.

I go down after dressing in my armor, greeted by a table filled with all breakfast foods imaginable, pancakes, waffles, egg, bacon and more. I see Aphmau finishing up cooking the hash browns. Wow... I didn't know she cook THIS much... 

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