Chapter 9- The Departure

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A/N~ So First off THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR OVER 100 READS!!!! I love ya all and also I made a little mcd rant wattpad thing if ya feel like checking that out so, ya. Byeee, Riri :P

I pick up the limb Aphmau. She has a pulse, but it is so faint I can barely feel it. I rush her over to where Corey and Emma's house used to stand, where Kawaii~Chan and Dr. Doctor are tending to the other people. He must have gotten here just recently.

"Oh hi Garroth~Kun and... wait... APHMAU~SENPAI?!? Whh--What" Kawaii~Chan says, though I stop her in her trail. 

"No time. She just... fainted." I say, panicking, laying Aphmau on the bed nearby.

"Well, she is a fine lass if I have ever seen one!" says Dr. Doctor. He is a good doctor, but he is getting on my nerves. This is Lillian's fault... I know it. I hesitate but I decide to leave Kawaii~Chan and Dr. Doctor to do their job. I storm off to the guard station, which now holds Lillian and Zane. 

"Well, well. Little brother. Finally conscious I see" I say, feeling intimidating.

"Yes, but not for long." He says, smiling. 

"Yes, that is true. Before we leave, Lucinda will be putting a spell on you so," I pause for the extra effect.

"Heh, what? Make me powerless? That won't even work." He says.

"Nope, you will see. It will be a... SUPRISE... so to speak." I say, as I slowly walk over to Lillian's cell.

"And look who we have here" I say, staring her in the face. "I know what you did..." I whisper, loud enough for her to hear.

"Garroth, please let me out." Lillian says looking innocent.

"I wouldn't be the one to ask." I say, my back toward her. "At the time, I would have killed you."

"But Garroth. Remember all the fond mem--" I cut her off.

"I think of no good memories anymore. Only bad. The more you keep this up, the worse." I say, letting out a tear as I remember of how she took advantage of me. "I will have revenge, you broke my heart" 

I walk out, feeling as proud as ever to stand up to demons like them. I will always remember when Zane would do the same back in O'khasis.

I head back to where Aphmau lays. When I peek around the corner, I see Laurance and Aphmau, having a moment. I need for him to have a fair chance... I wait outside until they fall silent once again, and when I go in again, I see something. I don't know if I care or not because it is only fair, but am I a hoarder?

It is Aphmau and Laurance kissing. On the lips. I decide out of some jealousy to speak.

"Ahem" I say, walking up. 

"Garroth it isn't-" Aphmau says, blushing a lot.

"Don't worry. I m happy for you too. It is only fair, trust me, I'm fine. I didn't really think we would ever end up together anyway" I say, still a little bumbed but thinking that I still have received more kisses from Aphmau then Laurance, which is a plus.

"I'll give you space like you did Garroth" Laurance says, walking by winking. He heard me outside... Great....

"Uh- Hey." I say, sitting in a bed across from Aphmau. 

"Hey" she says, blushing a little bright. "Laurance told me about how you brought me here and thanks" she says. 

"Think nothing of it" I say. "I was just worried, you fainted from no where and then you healed me... I" 

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