Chapter 8- The Unknown

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A/N~ This is back to Garroth's POV and also we are almost at ONE HUNDRED READS!! (Yes, I know it isn't much but it is an amazing start!!). Also the title reflects feelings and other stuff that 99% of you already know so ya (AKA I was too lazy to find the right word). Also, I'm thinking of making a rant thing so ya i'll let you know if I decide to. Thanks again, Riri :P


I go back to the guard tower, pondering on what just happened. Aphmau kissed me. Aphmau kissed me? APHMAU. KISSED. ME? I go up to my room, with a blush still on my cheeks, pretending like nothing just happened. I decide to rest until it is a little later, as no one is up but me, Aphmau and probably Emmalyn, and she gets up as early as heck. I try to make the best of the time... Maybe Aphmau likes me... what if she doesn't?? I slowly go to sleep, covered in my mixed thoughts.


I wake up to Laurance staring at me in the face, like a creepy killer.

"UH, H-H-h-eyyyy man" I say, slowly getting up. "Why are you staring at me."

"Because" Laurance says.

"Because..." I say back.

"Because you FINALLY did it!" says Laurance. OH IRENE. OH NO. HE SAW IT. I'M OUTTA HERE.

"UH-UH-UM-HEH-D-D-D-Did-W-w-What?" I say, about to run for my dear life, imagining Laurance punching me to death, or getting really jealous.

"WHAT? You finally said it man!" Hey says. OH MY IRENE. THANK YOU. "It was super romantic too dude" He winks.

"Shut up" I mumble, even though I am secretly ecstatic he didn't see that little scene this morning. He gives me a friendly nudge as we walk out together, doing our normal runs as usual. We chat along the way, just like we used to, though we don't really talk about Aphmau, which I am grateful for. We end up at the docks where we see an amazing sight. 

Aphmau is halfway done with a new boat (look at the picture above). It is simple and a little tinier than Katelyn's old boat, but very suitable. She is the best lord... better than my dad that is for sure... heh...

We walk up to where she is building. Being the introvert I am, I blush, looking at the ground, wishing I still wore my helm. She doesn't notice as she is mainly focusing on finishing up the ship.

"Hey Aphmau." says Laurance. "Do you need any help?"

"Actually, that would be nice." she says, smiling while finishing up the outline. "Can you go get me some more jungle wood from my house?" 

"No problem" he says, walking back to her purple house on the hill. 

I stand at the docks, watching her, but when she looks at me I look down at the ground. After about 5 times of doing that she finally talks.

"So" she says.

"So" I say, sort of responding.

"Sorry about this morning" she says, sighing. "I don't know, I just thought it was the right thing to do, maybe it wasn't. I just have no clue. I want to give you two a fair chance it is just that, at the time, it felt like you were the one. I know its cheesy but now I just have no clue." She says in a mouthful, stopping her build.

"I felt the same way a while back" I say, opening up as she just did to me. She walks over as we sit on the docks together. "When you first came, Azura and I were talking. But when I you help everyone else, I slowly grew away from Azura. Irene knows she probably still likes me but, ya if we don't work out, maybe I will have a chance with her or Lillian. She liked me too... I think but she wasn't as pretty as you or Azura for that matter. I'M-N-n-NOT SAYING-T-THAT I DON'T LIKE YOU. I LIKE YOU BUT-"

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