Chapter 6- Getting Places [pt. 2]

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A/N- If you do not like gory things (bloodshed/violence), you may want to skip this chapter. It isn't SUPER gory just some parts may or may not sound "pleasant". Also, you may want tissues in hand, it gets feelz ;(. Hope you understand, Riri :P (PS- depending on what happens, there will be another chapter up later today or tomorrow. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!! <3)



"APHMAU GET BEHIND US" Laurance tells the clearly frightened but ready-to-fight Aphmau.


We prepare for this mini battle, that will go well or horribly wrong. I draw my sword just as I see a horrible sight.

My father and Zane, standing at the bow of the ship, glancing in our direction.

This will go horribly, horribly wrong.


Laurance and I draw out our shields. I give mine to Aphmau and Laurance shields the both of us.

"READY?" I yell to Laurance, in the loud commotion of us, the ship and the surrounding sounds.

"READY AS I WILL EVER BE" He yells in a deep voice I have never heard come out of him. Aphmau hands me back my shield and takes out her mithril sword to shield and fight back. She has decided to fight... I am proud of her.

*BANG BANG BANG* Three more cannons. Two shoot feet away from us, one is shot onto the shoreline. Aphmau gets out her bow and shoots a solider on board. This means war.

"ATTACK!" I hear Zane call from the ship. Just then in a blur, roughly fifty soldiers jump off deck into the water, and approach on land. Then I remember. Laurance has Kiki's pendant...

I whisper loud enough for Laurance to hear, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear. "Whatever you do, guard the pendant with your life".

He nods slightly, enough for me to notice. At this point, the many guards approach.

"LETS DO THIS" I yell, building the courage to run toward them. I slice a few guards with my aquamarine colored sword, and watch them fall to the ground. Blood spills on the beach, turning the tan dirt pink. My body is telling me to kill everyone in sight I do not know, but my head is telling me stay logical. What is happening to me... Is it this new-found form? Is this Zane's influence? Snap out of it Garroth!

I watch Laurance and Aphmau fight with me, even though it is outnumbered, we are winning. More soldiers come as we slain them all. I can tell that Aphmau is feeling weird, as she rarely kills or hurts anyone innocent, though she knows if she doesn't, she will fall into the hands of Zane and Garte.

"GARROTH RO'MEAVE, HEIR TO O'KHASIS!" yells my dad after we kill off all of the soldiers, but most run away in terror at this point. "SURRENDER NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE!"

"Father, so help me I will NEVER SURRENDER TO YOU." I say very confident.

"Well, then, Zane do it." He says, as I do not believe my eyes. His faces turns black with evil, he grows tall and talks deeply in a frightening way.

"TO LOCK IN HATE, TO LOCK OUT LOVE, GIVE ME THE TREASURES, OF THIS LITTLE MOURNING DOVE" he says, as everything flashes before my eyes. Black particles form around Aphmau and the amulet, as they flash in front of Zane. NO

"ZAAAANNNNEEE!" I yell, just then, I jump as high as I have ever jumped, as if I drank a potion of leaping. I jump onto the O'khasian boat and slit Zane's throat. He falls down, turning his pale, selfless self. My father runs to the inside, where he cannot escape so it is the least of my problems.

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