Chapter 15- The Notes

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Garroth's POV

Nothing much has happened since our first date. Its been roughly two weeks and to be honest, I just feel happier that I am with Aphmau. Everything else is back to normal, except when we told everyone we were boyfriend and girlfriend... Kawaii~Chan and Donna practically fainted and Logan patted me on the back whispering weird nonsense.

Let's just say it was interesting, and I think by now they have made a shrine. They also keep saying stuff like "MY SHIP HAS SAILED" or "GARMAU FOR LIFE", weird stuff that.

I don't mind, but Aphmau gets super mad about it. It's surprisingly funny to see how angry she gets.

Anyway, everything is pretty normal. Laurance is still taking some impact into our relationship, but e is getting used to it. He keeps calling us 'love birds' or 'beauty and the beast'.

And Dante hit it off with Nicole, they aren't exactly official, but they have gone on quite a few dates recently.

Lately, all everyone has been doing is rebuilding Phoenix Drop. We have all together made a LOAD of progress. We even expanded the village in the process!

Aphmau and I worked on it, like a mini project. We created a path from Kiki's farm to the tree house, there is a path with some good sized houses. We also decided to rebuild the old lord's house since the Brian incident. We also are in the process of making a permanent house for Donna and Logan near the tree house. They said that they wanted a house on the water, so that is what we are giving them.

Also, guarding has been a challenge lately. With Dale quitting not too long ago and Brian gone, it is just me, Laurance and Dante. Once everything is back to the way it should be, we are going to look for someone to add to the group.

More about Aphmau and I. Since our first date, we have been having "mini dates" every night, where we eat inside and chat, lighting candles and stuff. We still aren't good with calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend, though we both know we love each other. We kiss every so often and when it is in public, people legit can't take it.

It isn't THAT big of a deal, but I don't judge them. Also, Aaron has been super supportive of it. He might become a guard one day since he is good in defense. Though, none of us know what his face looks like, which makes me a little suspicious. I keep replaying what he said in my mind whenever I see him...

"You will remember over time but I will give you a hint and that is Falcon. You figure out the rest. When you do, come talk to me." Aaron said.

Ugh! It will come to me at some point.

"Garroth?" says Aphmau. "Are you down there?" I hear he saying from up the stairs. Better get up and stop pondering...

I walk up the stairs still in my pajamas to see Aphmau cooking some eggs and toast. I decide to play cool and pop up behind her and cover her eyes.

"Guess who?" I say, trying to mimic Laurance, almost loosing my deep O'khasian accent.

"I know its you Garroth" she says with a smirk. I uncover her eyes and she kisses me on the cheek, which we have slightly gotten used to. I still have a slight blush as she continues talking. "You know, your starting to act like Laurance which isn't great" she laughs.

"Haha. Very funny" I say. "Anyway, do you need any help queen?" I say. That is another thing we have been calling each other, queen and king, and I don't mind it.

"Maybe you could get the milk and orange juice out king" she says, sounding slightly like Logan when he calls her lord.

"'Kay" I say, putting both on the table, filling my glass with water and two for her, one orange juice and one milk, which I make into chocolate milk with some syrup.

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