I WAS TAGGED!! (And short OneShot)

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Hey people! So, since this chapter is pretty much just me speaking, I decided at the end to write a little one shot just so you are not deprived. And I will now try not to type in bold..... Okay!

First off, I was tagged by RaeleighBlack to do this which is the 13 FACTS ABOUT MEH!

Let's get it started, shall we?

1. I am twelve years old and I am currently in 7th grade.

2. I'm in a special program at school called CBG (Center Based Gifted) which pretty much means we learn at a faster pace with more projects (AND FIELD TRIPS!!) but a BOATLOAD of homework. Hence why I don't update as frequently as I would enjoy.

3. I am obsessed with cats! I love them and cuddle them and I just can't even. Just no. They are beautiful and majestically wonderful.

4. My favorite food (or dessert) is ICE CREAM!! I eat it every night yet I feel very comfortable in my body as I weigh about 90 pounds.

5. I am socially awkward yet I feel the need to be friends with everyone. I have many friends but when I comes talking to new people I'm just like "GOODBYE"

6. I have a HUGE phobia of spiders. I don't know the scientific name but I truly HATE THEM. I cannot be in the same room with them at all and whenever I see one I scream bloody murder. (My internal thoughts go straight to "let them burn in hell".) I have only killed one spider in my life and always will have other people have the "privilege" of killing it (I guess I'm afriaid of their juices getting on me and killing me with their grossness). Just trust me. NEVER prank me or scare me with spiders. I will punch you hard. Or run in fear.

7. I have glasses. I don't wear them often but I am nearsighted so I use them for school mainly.

8. I love to read. Hence why I have the app. I will confess I read at a pretty high level (just to give you an idea it took me roughly 3 hours to read the Twilight book which is over 500 pages.) and my favorite genre is SciFi (unless fanfic counts)

9. I live in America. Shocker but I don't feel like telling people which state or city.

10. My family likes to travel. I will say I live on the east coast and have been to Hawaii, the Bahamas (Nassau/Paradise Island if you know where that is), Florida once a year, California and any states between NC and FL.

11. I am not in a particularly wealthy family. My house is very messy. My mom can never waste anything because of our families background. I had to buy my own iPod. Both of my sisters were in college and they had to pay for it. And both of my sisters are engaged. At the same time.

12. I have two older sisters. Like OLD OLD. They are 22 and 24. 

13. I have many, many fandoms from all of the books/YT I read/listen to/ watch. Some include Garmau (dur), Day X June, Katniss X Gale (Ik I'm sorry), Hermione X Harry, Jacob X Edward X Bella, Nalu and many more.


14. I know three languages semi-fluently (sign language, English, Spanish) and I know how to say hello and thank you in six different languages :)

I hope you enjoyed that little thing and I tag-






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