Chapter 26- Mine Fight

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We make our way back to the village in about an hour as Laurance and I keep a close eye on Laina and Fawn for any sudden moves.

We emerge from the woods and are greeted by Dante and Lucinda.

"Hey! I was just about to come get you and retrieve you...." Lucinda says looking weird and suspicious. "Who are these two lovely ladies?" Lucinda looks at Laina and Fawn as Fawn shoots a dirty look and Laina smiles bright.

"Hmph." Lucinda says as a reaction, flipping her orange locks. Fawn rolls her eyes and Laina just looks confused. "Well, I'm glad you're back in one piece. With my mother, I wouldn't have lasted a second..." She mumbles under her breath, luckily no one but me can hear it.

"ahem. Well we ran into Laina" Aphmau says as Laina waves. "And Fawn" Fawn looks to the ground. "On our way back. They kinda tried to kill Garroth and Katelyn but it was just because they do not like O'khasis." Aphmau states.

"At least they are on the same page as us." Dante says. "Nice to meet you both. I am Dante and this is Lucinda." He point to Lucinda who is once again, twirling her hair around her finger. "As you may tell, she is a witch and I am a guard here for Aphmau."

"Nice to meet you!" Laina beams. Fawn just rolls her eyes and looks up with a sly smile.

"Quiet one I see..." mumbles Lucinda. "Well, I'll get Dante here, Nicole and Kawaii~Chan to build you two a house to stay in as it seems you are kinda prisoners yet free to do whatever."

"Why Kawaii~Chan?" I ask thinking about the delicate cat lady.

"Well, she helped build my house and has little maids to help with materials and building." Aphmau says.

"I gotta go back and tell Bigglesworth that I am still here." Lucinda says. "See you all later!" She snaps as she poofs away.

"May we tour the village while they are building our sleeping corridors?" Laina asks with a bright smile.

"Um, I guess..." Katelyn trails off.

"Garroth and I can while we make our rounds." Aphmau says with a smile.

"Really? But Lords don't really do stuff in the village...." Laina trails off.

"I don't believe that is a good Lord. I try my best to perfect the village and make personal connections with each and everyone of my villagers. Heck, I even adopted to children who are staying safe from O'khasis in the Yggdrasil Forest." She says in a mouthful.

"Oh." Is all Laina can manage out. Katelyn and Laurance nod and walk into the village together. Aphmau and I look at each other with a grin. I'm glad Aaron isn't here to see this...

"We better give them a tour." Aphmau says, blushing slightly.

"Oh! Y-yeah..."  I stutter. Just like old times...

"Well, as you both may know I am Aphmau, Lord of Phoenix Drop. This is my head guard and love interest, Garroth." I wave at them both with a blush on my own cheeks. "Laurance is next in line, then Dante, Nicole then Katelyn."

"Welcome to Phoenix Drop." I say with a smile, letting my arm out toward the gates we have been standing outside of for the past few minutes. Laina looks around in awe as Fawn looks as if it is a normal place. We guide them down the path and over the bridge.

"This is a Wyvern grave. Garroth has one named Raven actually and this used to be Laurance's." Aphmau says with a slight edge to her voice.

"Aw... Sorry for your loss." Laina speaks, sincere.

"It's fine. But let's continue." I say. We show them around the area, starting with Kawaii~Chan and Emmalyn's group of houses. Emma an Corey's house is vacant as well as Cadenza's, but we all know Cadenza's home is well kept as she has been commuting between the new Meteli and here.

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